An... Unusual Plan

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Part Twenty - An... Unusual Plan <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The three girls stared at him, dumbstruck. Sophie opened her mouth, but no words came out.

"What the hell?" She crossed her arms. "It's a good idea in practice, but you've a few roos loose in the top paddock. There's no way we're gonna raise 500 dollars!"

"Sophie.." Carlotta shook her head. "Not Australia. They use pounds. Not dollars."

"Yeah, right, sorry." She shrugged. "But still!"

Isaac raised an eyebrow. "Why won't it work? Don't jump to conclusions, I haven't listed a plan yet!"

"I have an idea..." Hayley raised a hand. "What if we... brainstormed together, and raised the money. All her friends could pitch in."

"But isn't an application thing?" Soph trailed off, looking at Carlotta.

"Yes. But mi english.. Not very good."

"Jaleela!" His sudden outburst made Hayley jump. "Perfect."

"I do not understand."

"She's the editor of the newspaper at her school. I'm sure she'd check all the mistakes."

"Isaac, I'm surprised. How on earth did you know that about her?" Sophie grinned. "Because you hardly know anything about her."

He grinned, unabashed. "So what do you think, Carlotta?"

She didn't say anything for quite some time. When she finally spoke, her words were heavy with emotion.

"I.. think that you es very kind. But why?"

"Why?" Sophie snorted. "Isn't it obvious?"

"We all love you Carlotta. You know that." His serious face disappeared, and he threw a fist in the air. "Alright! Emergency meeting of the Disparate Crew." He turned to Hayley, and grinned. "With a special guest."

He stood up, holding two fingers up in a salute. "I'll tell the others. Soph, text Oliver and the gingers, I'll contact Jaleela."

"Of course you will." Sophie shook her head, and turned to Carlotta. "Let's do this together."

Carlotta smiled, and nodded. "Si. We will."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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