An Interesting Proposition

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Part Fifteen - An Interesting Proposition <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The bell rang loudly, signifying it was time for Carlotta's most favourite subject at her school, music class.

"I'll see you in science, then?" Sophie asked as Carlotta fished a few things out of her locker.

"Si. Good luck with maths." She said, and Sophie grimaced.

"I'll try."

She grinned and patted Sophie on the arm. "Do not worry. It will be fine."

"Easy for you to say." She grumbled but gave a half-hearted smile.

Carlotta walked off, her long plait swaying to and fro.


"Ah, Carlotta." Mr Stimmell said, smiling as the girl entered the room. "Please find a seat."

"Good afternoon Señor Stimmell," She said, and quickly scanned the class.

Her face split into a grin as she saw Hayden was already there, waving her over.

"Hola. How the meeting go?"

"Fine, thanks."

"Alright, everyone settle down." Mr Stimmell said, casting a slight smile in their direction.

"Now, has everyone got their music theory books?"

There came a loud groan from the students, except for Hayden, who loved that sort of thing.

"Well?" He said, and there was a chorus of yes, and a scuffling sound, as the kids fished out their books.

"Excellent." The man smiled at his students, picked up his whiteboard marker, and the lesson began.


"Alright, everyone, books down please."

Carlotta looked up in surprise but did as she was told. A quick glance at the clock told her they had finished ten minutes early.

Confusion filled her brain. Mr Stimmell usually never finished early.

So why was he doing it now?

Mere moments later, she got her answer.


"Everyone?" He said, and the kids sat rapt to attention. "I have a special announcement to make."

"They always say that." Someone grumbled.

"Tom, I can assure you that announcement is worth the title 'special'."

The boy turned crimson and clamped his mouth shut.

"I am part of the Youth Music Organisation, and last night, they contacted me with an exciting opportunity for you all."

That got everyone's attention. Mr Stimmell often talked about that organisation, and all the events and workshops they put on across the nation. One could only imagine what they were planning this time.

"I don't know if any of you have heard of it, but the Youth Music Organisation has a biannual event called the Youth Music Camp. It is happening this year."

"Discuple, er, excuse me, Mr Stimmell, what does biannual mean?"

"It means it happens every two years, Carlotta." He smiled at the girl. He was used to her asking the meaning of words in his class.

"The music camp involves a week of workshops and learning, followed by a concert to showcase everyone's talents."

His eyes swept the room, searching out their reactions.

"It would be a fantastic opportunity for all of you. Now, I have flyers with more information if you are interested."

The class broke out in a babble of voices, and Carlotta's brain's cogs began to turn.

"Wow, sounds amazing!" Hayden whispered, and Carlotta nodded, her thoughts whirling.

The bell rang, and there was a scrambling of students and a scraping of chairs as everyone wanted to get to their next period.

"Now, everyone, don't forget!" Mr Stimmell had to raise his voice over the noise. "Before you go, make sure you collect a flyer!"

"That means us," Hayden whispered, and he steered her over to the table.

Mr Stimmell saw them approach and smiled. "I should have expected you would be interested."

"Why would we not?" Carlotta said, grinning. "It sounds muy good."

"What she said." Hayden chimed in.

"Well, here you are, then." The teacher said, handing them each a flyer. "I sincerely hope you can go."

"Us too." They said together, and Carlotta laughed.

"Off you go, you two." Mr Stimmell said, waving them away. "Or you'll be late for your next class."

"Right." Hayden looked up at the clock and turned pale. "Gotta spilt, see ya!"

He skidded around the corner and was gone.


She brought out a key, inserted it into the lock, and opened the door. She peered into her locker, and suddenly, a pile of papers burst out of the locker and spilt all over the floor.

Carlotta shook her head and swore in Spanish, as she scrambled to pick the papers up.

"Having a messy situation there, are you?"

Carlotta turned around and snapped, "Of course! Don't stand there, tu idiota, help me!"

Isaac grinned and held up his hands. "Honestly, Carlotta, chill!"

He bent down and began helping her pick up the papers.


"So, why were all these papers in your locker?" He asked, looking at the mound of papers they had put together.

"Ay, two years of not cleaning." She said, and his eyes widened.

"Seriously? Wow, you're even messier than Soph!" He said but held up his hands. "Er, no offence meant."

She shook her head and sighed. "Es no matter. I must clean up."

"Yeah, take 'em home, sort 'em out. That'll help."


"No problem." Isaac grinned, gave her the two-finger salute, and moments later, had disappeared into the crowd.

She smiled, but then her thoughts quickly turned to the flyer Mr Stimmell had given her, which was safely stowed in her backpack.

A feeling of excitement began to bubble up inside her.

She couldn't wait to show her parents.

Maybe, just maybe, she could kickstart her dream.

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