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lingqiao's stomach kept grumbling while she's lying on her bed, crying again, because she's hungry. her cat, miaomiao, has been meowing at her, hungry too.

she checked the fridge and there was a half eaten box of blueberries. she gave some to the cat as well.

after a couple of stomach grumbles, cries and whines of both lingqiao and miaomiao, the two's heads shot up at the sound of the doorbell ringing. lingqiao stumbled from her bed to the door, half running with only one slipper. miaomiao, ran too, following her human.

"good evening! this is your pizza, happy meal, and your cat food."

did my order include a cute boy wtf.

the delivery man had a polite smile. his hair was slicked back in a neat way. he discreetly looked at lingqiao's apperance, but never letting go of his smile.

and now, lingqiao felt ugly for looking like she hasn't come out of her room for days. to avoid anymore awkward interactions and maybe destroy her image to the cute guy, she grabbed all her deliveries.

"thank you!" her voice broke, a bit tense. "oh! i forgot to bring my money! wait a second." she dropped the plastic bag containing cat food on the floor and rushed to place the pizza and happy meal on the kitchen countertop.

it wasn't intentional, but after lingqiao left the door frame, a view of her living room and kitchen was seen. it was fairly organized and neat, which makes him wonder why the owner's appearance is ironic to her apartment.

a rustling sound from below diverted the guy's attention from her apartment. it was miaomiao touching the plastic bag containing her food. he smiled and helped opening the cat food to fed miaomiao.

actually, lingqiao is an organized person, just not today. and her bedroom is a complete mess. she lifted up her bag, letting the things fall, to find her wallet easily. when she had it, she ran back to the cute delivery man, now wearing no slipper.

he got up as soon as he saw her, while miaomiao was busy devouring the whole bag of cat food. lingqiao counted the money in front of him.

"you said 200 yuan, right?" he nodded. "so with the cat food, it's uh, 250, i think." she sniffed before speaking again. "here's 300 for your effort on my requests."

the delivery guy was shocked and waved his hands in front of the money to decline. "no, i won't accept that."

lingqiao furrowed her eyebrows, very confused at why would a delivery man not accept payment from the customer. "um, why?" she tried to give it to him again, but he backed out.

"the payment's on me." he said and smiled at her.

lingqiao was once again, confused. is he crazy or he's pulling a prank on me. what kind of delivery guy pays for his customer's food?

[ miaomiao meowed. it should be customers' ]

the name of the oc first was originally nana whdhdhd so i updated again to change it lmao

delivery guy % wang ziyiWhere stories live. Discover now