voice of an angel, he sings

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Zoey's point of view.

     “ hey mike you wanna go to the park, you know do something...?" I asked “ sure which park?" mike wanted to know. I thought about it for a sec and said, “ how bout the rec park?!" mike agreed. he grabbed the keys and we left the apartment and locked the door. we got into his Nissan and drove off, while on our way to the park a song came on we both liked a lot, it was me and my broken heart. we both started singing, I sopped for a minute and heard mike sing.I need a little loving tonight, I need a little love in the dark!" he paused or a sec “ what's wrong red?" he saw me looking at him. I blushed, “ oh... sorry your just a really good singer!" mike smiled and continued on with singing, as did I. he paused the same as I did “ Zoey I think you might be better that me!" ... “ really?! thanks!" I blushed a second time.

       when we had gotten to the rec park I asked him, “ so what's the real reason the phone was broken?" I asked in suspicion. he sighed and said “ my personalities might be coming back but not all of them." I asked him if mal was coming back and he said no but there is a new one. " what's his new personality like?" I asked him. “ he sings, whenever the music comes on he comes and sings." he said. “ his name is.. is.. Jude and that's why I was singing so good, but when I heard you sing Jude left and I came back." “ Svetlana broke he phone doing a trick." he said “ that makes sense." I said.

     we walked toward two trees there was a bar sticking out of one tree and into the other. I grabbed on to one side and mike on the other. “ Svetlana came and began swinging on the bar. I started singing again and mike was back. I giggled. “ who was I that time?" mike asked. “ Svetlana! :-D" I said still laughing. we shared a smile and I pecked his cheek, and he fell off the bar. I dropped down and asked, “ mike you OK?" I held out my hand and he pulled me down and kissed me... I chuckled and so did he. we shared a small grin and kissed some more.

      we were walking around the park when a man with a gun came up to us, he shot my leg and I fell on my knees. “ Zoey!" mike yelled. in tears he said, “ your gonna be OK Zoey, I promise!". he picked me up and ran me to the car. he drove me to a hospital and carried me in. the hospital was door was locked. a security camera bent down and saw us. mike was still crying. a team of doctors came put and took zoey from my arms and placed her on a gurdy. “ mike?!" I said. “ is she gonna be OK?! please tell me she's gonna be OK!" mike said. “ she'll be fine sir, now tell us what happened while the rest of them take her in." the doctor said to him. “ ok, OK, were at the park walking around and a man came up with a gun and shot her in the leg." mike told them. “ what did the man look like?" “ I don't know he was wearing a mask!!...." mike said. “ please sir calm down we're doing all that we can!” I couldn't hear them anymore they took me into one of those surgical rooms and cut my capris so they could get to the wound in my leg and remove the bullet. they gave me some type of gas to make me sleep. I was out cold for a while when I woke up I was in a different room waiting to go home I looked down at my thigh it was wrapped up in bandages. I tried touching it but when I did it hurt and tears started to role down my cheek.

     “ ma'am you have a visitor." one of the doctors told me. he opened the door and mike was standing there. his eyes were red I could tell he had been crying.“ mike." I started to c again but I had a smile on my face while doing so.“ he walked towards me and a tear rolled down his cheek.“ you OK zo?" he said. he sat down on the bed and hugged me tightly, “ don't you ever scare me like that again!"he said I smiled at him. “ I'm so glad your ok , I thought I was gonna lose you!!" he told me. “ I'm just glad you were there for me when it happened!" I hugged him.

       the doctor can e back in and said I could go home now, but would have to rest my leg for a while. they put. e in a wheel chair and took me down the hall and out the door they told me to make sure I stay off my feet for at least 6 weeks to rest your foot. “ six weeks, seems like a long time." I said to mike. “ I know you can do it". mike said and then kissed my cheek.

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