the wedding part 2

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Well... Hereitis..



   I looked in the mirror; I looked... Good!

   I was in the dressing room of a fancy venue. The wedding would start in thirty minutes and the only things going on in my mind were , mike, me, wedding, totaldrama, cake... I was scared. What if mike decided to... Not marry me?! Butnohe... Wouldhe?... I bit my lip and looked down at the ground.

   I had cut my hair shoulders length and had it curled real pretty; I was wearing my dress with glass slippers. I feel like Cinderella. I was still looking at the ground, but I was smiling and twirling around in my dance like a princess. I stopped twirling when I noticed a small box with my name on it toZoeyfrommomndad.. I read; I opened it and inside was a golden tiara. It had diamonds and Ruby's around the rim. On the top was a small heart with a firey opal dangling from it. I almost came to tears as I saw it. I slowly put it on my head and smiled.“ I'm getting married!” I whispered.


   I was trying to find my tie when finally a familiar face approached the door, it was Cameron. He had gotten a little taller by now and had on a suit. He was one of my groomsmen. “ hi cam” I said still looking. “ what are you looking for?” he asked.“ my tie...” I replied not

Looking at him. He handed it to me, for some reason he had it.“ thanks!” I said cheerily.

   “ can you believe you're getting married!?” he said excited. “ not really.. Seems almpst like a dream I wish could come true.” I said staring into the mirror fixing the tie.“ I always new you two would get married one day..” he said.“ so.. How are things with you and Gwen going?” I asked.“ actually! Great!” he said happily..

   ZoeysPOV... Again

    As I walk down the isle with my dad, I see all the familiar faces, Bridgett and geoff. Gwen was one of my bridesmaids... Courtney, mom dad. Duncan, he was beside Courtney with his arm around her shoulder.Hmmmaybetheymadeuporsomething.. On the other side I noticed brick and Jo together.. And they were holding hands!. Sam, ... Dawn was another bridesmaid along with asia. I saw mike.. He looked better than before. He looked like when I met him, bringing back memories of tdroti and tda. Our first kiss... Goodtimes..


      I noticed Zoey; . I was clutching onto a piece of my shirt trying not to think of the what ifs, and how's, and the word objection and no...;  Zoey looked beautiful the way her hair curled, her dress, even the bundle of red roses in her hand. She was truly gorgeous.

     She walked up to the podium and had a smile on her face, she was happy. As the speaker was trying to get us married, I couldn't help but stare into her eyes. They were so beautiful. They sparkled and glittered like stars. Finally I heard it.“ mike.. Do you hereby take miss Zoey crista Prescott to be your wife?” I was still looking into her eyes, “ I do.. ” zoeys cheeks started turning red. She knew she was getting married and was ready to say those two words. “ and do you.. Zoey take mike Noah Preston to be your husband?” I do!! ” she said happier than her smile could tell. “ well... Then I hereby marry you two!.. Now for the ring barrier... And here he is now.” my little cousin Jeffrey walked up with two rings. I placed the firey opal ring on zoeys danty finger. And she placed the second ring of brass on mine..... Thisisit! We'remarried!!!


   The day went on... With dancing in the dining hall, cake, wine, and cocktails. Mother was holding the twins feeding them milk from a bottle. She finished feeding Avalon and placed her back in the stroller. “ hi sweety! I'm so proud of you! ” she said. She had tears in her eyes. “ thanks mom...” she's  never toldmethatbefore... Andwheredidsweetycomefrom?. My dad came over and gave me a hug. It was almost am ogre hug. I could barely breathe.

   We had Bridgette and Geoff sing you make me happy by Cathy heller as me and mike kissed and shoved cake into each others faces. Izzy was eating the majority of the to corner of her cake while Cameron poked at his. Blainlyy was devouring hers....

    I felt so happy.... I can't believe I'm finally married!!

I sighed and waved goodbye to family and friends as they left.

   Once they were all gone I turned to mike and said,“ so... When we gonna get to honeymoon avenue? ” he smiled,“ how bout right now? ” he said.......


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