Chapter 1 William

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Williams po'v


It was a normal day for me. I went to the local pub to take a drink and have some fun, well try to have some fun at least. To day was basically hell for me. My day started with a constant screaming from my dad and one of his girls. He usually brought home new girls every night to have some fun but I guess the girl didn't understand how it worked and for some reason thought she could stay another night because she didn't have any where else to go. But my dad didn't care. He just wanted her for her body and nothing else. I guess she knew that but maybe she hoped that he would let her stay. She hoped that maybe his stone heart had some sort of softer spot left. But she was so wrong, after my mom went his heart turned black. It will always be and no one could ever change that and the people who know this cruel man knows that his heart is pitch black. I couldn't care less about the girl and my dad but I really wanted to sleep because of the hangover from the day before and it pissed me of that the girl just couldn't get it. He wanted her to leave, never come back and just leave. I guess she wasn't the smartest because I heard my dad call her a slut and then the very common slap sound came. He had hit her. I could imagine her face all red and her eyes in chock. I guess she left because I few minutes later I heard the door shut and the screaming instantly stop. Finally I could get some rest. I guess my dad left after I while to because when I woke hope he where no where to be found. I couldn't stand the hangover and the only way to get rid of my pounding head was to drown my blood with new alcohol. So that's why I once again went down to the old pub.

After a few drinks my sight was foggy and my head was pounding. The smell of the strong liquids stung my nose and I was just about to order another drink from the bartender when I saw her. I have never seen her before but the sight of her made me grip the old Wooden table in front of me. I almost dropped my glass of precious whiskey. Maybe it was the alcohol but when I saw her I felt something wired in my stomach that I've never felt before. I instantly became warm and on my lips played a smile as I saw her making her way to the bartender to order a drink from him. I watched her red lips speak to the bartender and bits of her long golden hair fell forward as she reached for the drink the bartender was handing her. She looked like a model, she truly did. I've never really cared much for girls. As long as they had a pretty face and curves they where good enough to keep for the night. This girl was something else. She had the most beautiful face and the way her hair looked so smooth made me wanna stroke her like a kitten. But she didn't look like the other girls around here. She wore a normal pair of jeans and a plain black t-shirt. Her face wasn't covered in make up and there was no need to add it either. My sister once told be that girls use make up to make up for their flaws but this girl didn't have flaws. She was perfect In my eyes. I saw how a gang of drunk sailors looked at her when she bend forward to pick up something she dropped. I Had to close my fits and bite my lip hard,hard to hold my self from going straight to them and pound their heads to the hard stone floor for looking at her like she was some kind of toy. Wait what where I just thinking. Thats what girls are right? Toys. Toys you toss after you've played around with them.

I wanted to go to her make her spend the night with me but something made me sit at my table and just stare at her for the whole night in stead. I didn't have any of the whiskey left in the cold glass I just sat there and took in her perfection. I guess it was the alcohol that made my mind go wild. I've never thought any girl where perfect. They all are hot and when a girl bit their lip I just can't stand it but no one is perfect. Sure I've looked at girls before. But only to figure out a way to get laid. Just to play a small game with their little mind. I blame the alcohol for making me feel this way about this girl. She was just a girl after all. Just another girl.

I decided to go home when the pub closed at 4 in the morning. The cold morning air hit me as I stepped outside I couldn't help but sigh. It was autumn. When I was a kid I loved the fall. The different colours of the leaves used to paint my days and I always loved the rain. The way It drained my body and how it made you feel cold and small. Just like I was back then. Small and miserable. But now I hate the autumn. The many colours give me headache and the cold weather sucks. I guess the autumn bring back memories. Yeah, it bring backs memories of my mother. It's painful but at the same time it makes me feel alive. Just like she did. She made me feel so infinite. When someone did something to the little miserable boy I was she where always there to catch me. No matter what happened she always found a way to make my small mount form a smile again. But I'm not that little boy anymore. I'm nothing like him. I'm nothing like who I once was. Because life sometimes does terrible things.


❁Hope you liked this part sorry if I use wrong grammar or spell wrong (: xx Ella

PS my inspiration for these first parts is a song called "Terrible Things" you should go listen to it. it's so sad and beautiful ❁

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