Chapter 4 Alessandra

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❁Alessandra's po'v


He looked down at me with such an weird look. Like he had a feeling he never felt before. It was like a new thought grossed his mind. I just hoped those thoughts didn't involve me.

Suddenly I heard a singing voice. It wasn't very pretty, it sounded like a thirsty cat screaming. The words weren't clear but I knew this song. It came from a drunk man and the song he tried to sing while he got closer and closer to me and the boy was " Drunken Sailor" he sang " what shall we do with the drunken sailor whahet sheall we do with the drunken sailor early in the morning." He sang the same part as he got closer and closer. It made me scared. Maybe the drunk man and the boy had agreed to "take care of me"togheter. I screamed out loud as the man stood right behind the boy. Faster than lighting the boy turned around and hit the man right under the nose. Since the man was drunk he fell down on the ground while screaming from the pain.

" Why would you do that! We could share her you know" the man said while smirking. His nose was bleeding and he didn't seem able to stand up again. Even though I'm pretty sure the boy saw that to he kicked the man in the stomach and it made the drunk man cry.

" Stop it son Stop it! Why would you fight with me over some stupid girl?" He cried out

" you're drunk leave" the boy responded with a dark voice .

" It's my house, it belongs to me and your mother. You can't tell me to go. I'm your father. I make the decisions."

" you're not my father. You're not my fucking father! A father takes cares of there children you don't so you're not my father now fucking leave before I call the boys" He said while his fists hardened.

The "boys" didn't seem like nice people because The man who apparently was the boys father got on is knees and took all his powers to stand up. He leaned against the stone house and started to slowly walk away from us.

Even though the boy only used violence and harsh words to get rid of his drunk dad it made me feel safe. I know it shouldn't but he made me feel safe.

For the first time I was brave enough to look on the boys face. He had the most prettiest green eyes, dark brown curls and Sharp cheekbones. He was kind of hot actually. He looked so dangerous. But a tear slipped down his cheek and showed me that maybe he wasn't made of stones. I swallowed and allowed my self to speak

" are are you ok" I mumbled to him

He only glared at me and turned his face the other direction. He reached for something in his pocket and I pressed my self even harder against the wall. What if it was a knife what if... I calmed down as I saw that he only pulled out a packet if cigarets and a green lighter.

"You smoke?"He asked me as he lightened a cigaret.


He giggled and said

"Sometimes? What do you mean?"

I smiled and answered

"Well sometimes when I need to calm down I smoke. It helps me calm my nerves."

He gave me the packet and said

" I think you will need two"

I laughted as

I took one and carefully stood up. He turned my way and with a smile he pressed the button on the green lighter and gave me fire. He looked into my eyes and blew out the smoke on me. It was something about how he desperately inhaled the dangerous toxic while looking so kindly into my eyes. He looked so good. I inhaled and bit my lip as I looked at him. I parted my lips and let the smoke slowly slip out. I looked him up and down as i took a step closer.I can tell he was turned on.


Bad part again haha it will get better hope you liked it (:

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