Chapter 6 Alessandra

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I'm one of those people that will end up alone. Because I was to scared to give love a chance. I'm gonna sit in a way to clean apartment and drink multiplied cups of coffee. Im gonna sit in a kitchen and look out the window. I will look at all the young people and I will hope that I should have been braver. Since I have no one to call I will drink my coffee and eat my homemade cookies all alone. I will bake the best cookies and imagine that I made them for my grand kids. But in reality I'm the only one that will ever taste the homemade cookies. One day I will stop making cookies and just drink the coffee. I will lay in my bed and sleep away the days. Only get out of bed to make some coffee. Time will past and my love for coffee will disappear and I won't find a reason to get out of bed. So I will just stay there under the dirty covers. I will fall asleep and then never wake up. They won't find my body until the day the neighbours start complaining about a afoul smell from apartment 24B. They will send me multiplied letters but then noting happens they will finally brake up the door and find my dead body. No one will know my name and they won't take the time to give me a funeral. But if my neighbours are nice people I would like a funeral with Sunflowers and white roses. I will be gone and no one will notice. That's how I've imagined my future. But when I look at him I see something else. I see happiness. I see hope. He stood there without his shirt right in front of me and he looked so good. It feels like I've known him for a life time. And if love at first sight is a real thing I'm pretty sure this is it. He makes me wanna grow older. He makes me wanna live life not only when I'm young and beautiful but also when I'm old and boring. I've never been a believer in love but maybe this is what they call love? Or maybe it's just something I've made up because I wanna be in love. Anyways this feels good and never wanna stop looking at his beautiful body. He interrupt my thoughts as he says

"The whole idea whit giving you dry clothes was kind of to change"

" Oh you just wanna see me get undressed" I replied while placing his Clothes in my lap

" Maybe" he replied

I smiled and started to unbutton my way to skinny jeans. The water made them glued to my body. I managed to get them down to my knees but they where stuck. I tried to jump while standing on the bottom part of them but I lost my balance and once again fell on is bed. He started to laugh and said

" I see you like my bed"

" Instead of just standing there can you help me get out of these?"

" I would love to" he replied sneaky

He grabbed the bottom Part and started to pull. We both started to laugh because the pants where really stuck to my legs. He pulled really hard and I almost fell of the bed but the pants where no longer on my legs.

" Yay! Give me five" I said to him while siting up I slipped on his sweatpants and took of my shirt. His eyes traveled down from my face to my chest. He bit his lip and made a strange noise. I decided to tease him and repeated his words

" Like what you see?"

He smiled and mumbled

" Mhm "

I put on his shirt and stood up. The pants where way to big for my hips and I probably looked like a slob with my messy hair and his big clothes but he looked and me and he couldn't stop smiling. He looked at me like I was the most beautiful thing in the world. He looked at me like I wasn't real, like I was something he only pictured in his dreams. And the way he looked at me made me feel so special. He made my heart beat faster and slower at the same time. That doesn't make any seance but these feelings I feel doesn't make any seance at all. I'm always looking for faults in everything. But when I look at him all I see is perfection.

" what are you looking at" he rudly said and ruined those few perfect seconds. That cloudy feeling I had went away and it was just like he threw me down from the softest bed to the hard ground.

" Nothing" I replied

" how old are you?" He asked me this time with a softer voice

I have this deal with my self to never tell my real age because it's to personal so I said

" 20 how old are you?"

" 18"

18 was my real age and it surprised me that we where the same age he looked older. Maybe he played the same game as I did.

" what's your name" I asked him

" Will"

" That's my dad's name"

My dad is not a very nice person. He has hurt me so many times in so many ways. I always think how much better my life would have been with out him.

I guess he noticed my sad look and he added

" Well, Will is just my nickname my real name is William. I just don't prefer to tell people my real name. Because it's ... Um kind of personal. Only family call me William."


Thank you so much for reading. Sorry for spelling mistakes etc. please tell me what you think.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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