Chapter 5 William

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She was so beautiful. It was summer in her eyes and heaven on her lips. She made me forget about the fight with my dad. She made me forget about my mom. She made me forget how pain even felt like. I swear when I looked in to her eyes everything was ok. It was just like she took of the sharp edges of my broken pieces. They no longer stung. I shake my head to get out of the trans. My heart was raising so I lightened a new cigaret. She had stopped smoking and she looked at my cigaret with hungry eyes. I gave it to her and watched as she sexily blew out the smoke. She returned the cigaret to me and our hands touched. It all went in slow motion and I have never felt this good. I've touched many girls and let's just say I've touched them in more personal places and it never gave me this rush. And girls are just girls. And it made me wonder what the hell is different with this one. I decided that it's time to take this to the next step. So I Said

" Hey, you look kind of cold and it's raing and um I live just inside this door so maybe you wanna come in and get some warm clothes and I can make you tea?" The words just slipped out of my mount and I realised how lame it sounded and I blushed. In stead of waiting for her to answer I just opened the door and stepped inside. She came right behinds me and I smiled. It worked. I took off my boots and tossed my jacket on the coffee table. I walked in to the kitchen and looked around the mess. We never ate much in this family no one of us where good even the slightest chef. I showed down some old plates and mugs in the sink and started to boil some water for tea. I turned to the door and saw her sanding there like she was hiding and it looked like she just didn't think she belonged in this dirty kitchen. She was pressed to the door frame and had her hands in her pockets. She looked down at her feet as my eyes met hers.

" you can sit down if you want to" I told her.

She nodded and maid her way to the small table with two chairs. The water was boiling so I cleaned two mugs fast and poured the water in the mug and added a tea bag. I took the cups in my hands and brought them to the table. She smiled and said

" Thanks"

She took a sip and said " so tell me your story"

" My story?"

" Yeah tell me about you"

" There's not much to say"

I don't want her to ask me questions. I don't want her to know all the shit I've been trough. I don't want her to look at me and feel bad for me and wanna hug me because I'm just a sad mess. But I figured it might be rude to tell her that she as nothing to do with it. So instead I said

" I mean I'm just not very interesting. But um tell me about you?"

" oh darling there is not much to say" she said while she giggled and moved her finger in a circle around the top of the tea cup. It was just the cutest thing I've ever seen. I smiled

" Ok, so no personal questions then. Deal?"


We both smiled to one another and I realised how wet all my clothes where. It was just like sitting in a pool.

" my clothes are kind of...soaked would you mind if I go change ?"

she looked down at her own wet clothes and said


" If you want to I can borrow you some clothes to?" I saw this as a promise to see her again. If she takes my clothes she will have to return them to me and that way I will see her again. Sometimes I'm just so smart. She said yes and we went to my room to get changed. I opened the door to the smallest mess in this house, my bedroom. And took my hand out and said

" Ladies first"

She stepped inside and sat on the bed. I froze and looked at her. It was so perfect. The beauty Whit out any name was sitting on my bed. It couldn't get better. I took out a t-shirt for me and some pyjamas pants. I threw of my wet shirt and started to look for clothes for her. I found a shirt and some sweatpants and threw them at her. She wasn't a good catcher and she fell backwards as she tried to reach the clothes. Unbelievable. I burst in to laughter and said

" Man Down, man down"

It made her laugh and she looked at me and her eyes grew bigger as she looked on my bare body. Her eyes traveled from my shoulders to the hem of my pants. And up again to my arms and she blushed.

" like what you see?" I asked while my mount formed a grin

"I've seen better" she answered while smiling

" really? Are you sure because they call me the hottest guy in town you know?"

" They do? Oh that's wired I don't se where that's coming from" she said and laughed

" haha you're almost funny" I flirty replied

I managed to get of the wet pants and I slipped on the pyjamas pants. I figured the shirt had no use since she apparently liked what she saw.

" The whole idea whit giving you dry clothes was kind of to change"

" Oh you just wanna see me get undressed" she said while placing the clothes in her lap.

" Maybe" I replied while she slowly started to unbutton her pants.

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