Chapter 5

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Kenz's P.O.V

I was walking to school.  When I heard something behind me. I turned around no one was there. "Hello?" I asked. No answer I turned around to see....Isaac. "Holy crap, Isaac were you following me?" I say catching my breath. "No, well kinda I saw someone following you and I followed them and I hind of told him to get lost. Before you ask did you forget I live right next door." He said I punched his arm, "That's for scaring me." I said he rubbed his arm. I hugged him. "This is for everything else." I said he smiled and hugged me back. "Let me walk you to school." He said I nodded. 

"Alright first boyfriend." He said. "I was 13, but after Jazzy's cousin died I was there for her and cut off the rest of humanity." I said looking at my feet. "I get I did the same thing when my mom died." He said. "I'm sorry, Isaac." I looked at him and I hugged him. We stood their hugging til Jazzy said we're going to be late. "Come on, Isaac." I said and kissed his cheek. "I'm coming, Kenz." I heard him say.


Liam's P.O.V

I saw Hayden with her new boyfriend. "Liam?"  I heard Yana. "Hey." I tried to say it like nothing is wrong. "Liam? You don't have to lie. What's wrong?" She said. "Uh, my ex got a new boyfriend and I miss her kinda." I said. "Oh then why don't you just make her jealous like make her see you with another girl that you know and wala she will be the one missing you." I looked at her. "A girl I know like a girl I'm comfortable being around?" I ask. "Well I hope so you know don't want to fake date someone if your not comfortable around them like you got to show your happy not miserable." She said, "Well a girl I'm most comfortable being around" I said. 

Her eyes widen they went to normal. "Okay I'll be your fake girlfriend, plus I feel most comfortable being near you or by you." I smile and hugged her, I haven't hugged anyone in a while. "So when do we start?" She asked I turned my head and saw Hayden come our way. "Now she's on her way here." I said and Yana took my hand. "Hey Liam." Hayden said. "Hey Hayden." I said squeezing Yana's hand. "Hey, I'm Yana, Liam's girlfriend." She said I smiled and relaxed. "Oh I thought you didn't have a girlfriend." She said rolling her eyes. "Well there is a lot you don't know about Liam." Yana said. I smiled, "Right, well I know his taste went down from beautiful people to a ugly nothing." I heard Hayden's friend say and Hayden slapped her in the back of the head. "Yana's smart, nice, she has a great personality, she's a great friend & girlfriend, and Yana is drop dead gorgeous. Come on we're leaving." I said and me and Yana left, she was still holding my hand. She kissed my cheek. "Thank you no one's ever said that about me ever." She said, I hugged her.


Jazzy's P.O.V

I was walking to class and I saw Yana and Liam hug and then I saw a girl talking to Stiles. I walked over there and hugged him from the back. "Hey you." I said the girl didn't like it. "Hey, you." He said giving me a kiss. "This is Hannah, she's new. Also a freshmen." He said in a duh tone. "Hi I'm Jazzy Stiles girlfriend." Stiles smiled at the nickname or how jealous I was being the girl rolled her eyes and walked away. "Well, you were jealous. " He said in a slow term.

"No, maybe sorry I should stop being like that it's just your my first boyfriend." I said sitting down, he knelt down in front of me . "I know, but I love you, and I don't care if your jealous it just means you love me to much, and I know you trust me okay I'm totally in love with you and only you." He said I leaned down and kissed him. "I'm totally in love with you too Sti." I said and we started making out.


Scott's P.O.V

Liz is awesome I saw Stiles and Jazzy making out and I ran towards Liz and Kissed her. "Hey you." I said. "Hey babe." She said and kissed me. "So still on for studying with the group." I smiled. "Of course." She smiled and kissed me.

"Hey, we got to go to class." I said. "Uh, fine but first." She said and kissed me we made out then the bell rang an we stopped and left. "I love you." I told her. "I love you too." She said back.

I Love You (Isaac Lahey love story!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang