Chapter 9

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2 Months later

It's been 2 months since Zayn and Lauren has been talking over the phone and getting to know each other. Despite them still being strangers, the more they texted is the stronger Zayn's feelings for Lauren grew.

Zayn: Hey, I have a very important question to ask you

Lauren: This text gave me anxiety

Zayn: Awww the question I have for you isn't a bad one so you don't need to be nervous 😄

Lauren: *Phew* So what's the question?

Zayn: I know we've only been talking for 2 months and we still haven't met yet but I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend

Lauren: Zayn are you being serious!?

Zayn: Yes Lauren, I mean it I'd really love if you could be my girlfriend 💕

Lauren: I'd be more than happy to be yours 💞

Zayn: I'm glad you didn't reject me, it'd be such a shame cuz I really like you

Lauren: I'd be the stupidest girl on earth to reject such an adorable, kind hearted and talented person like you

Zayn: You're making me smile like an idiot rn ☺

Lauren: 😘❤

Zayn: So are you free this weekend?

Lauren: Yes, I am

Zayn: Good 🙂, I'm planning on taking you out this Saturday 🤗

Lauren: Where are we going?

Zayn: It's a surprise 😊

Lauren: What should I wear?

Zayn: Wear whatever makes you comfortable babe

Lauren: I'll do that 🙂

Zayn: I really can't wait to see you this Saturday 💗

Lauren: I'm excited to see you too btw what time should I be ready for our date?

Zayn: Be ready by 8PM 😃

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