Chapter 10

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The day Lauren's been waiting for is here at last. Never in her years of being a fangirl would she ever thought she would be meeting the person she's been supporting from behind a screen. The fact that she was about to go on a date with the person that matters the most to her made her extremely excited yet nervous at the same time.

She couldn't wait any longer to finally be in the same space as him, seeing him face to face and breathing the same air as him. She stood downstairs in her dress waiting patiently for her date's arrival while she waited, she reached in her purse for her cellphone to check the time. Her thumb pressed down against the home button lighting up the screen enabling her to see what time it is, it was now "7:50PM". She placed her phone back in the purse then closed it, she raised her head still standing in anticipation, her nerves started acting up as the time moved closer to 8PM. Several minutes later the sound of a car parking could be heard from the outside of her house.

Oh God! He's here! I need to stay calm lest I make a fool of myself

A knock on her door broke her thoughts. As she heard the knock she approached the door to open it, the rate of her heartbeat picked up whilst she turned the knob, her heart was beating so fast it felt as if it was seconds away from jumping out of her chest. The door opened revealing her date standing at her doorstep wearing a suit.

"You look incredible" Zayn said looking Lauren up and down, loving the way her dress caressed her curves in all the right places making her blush madly

"You don't look too bad yourself" Lauren said trying to act calm when in actuality her nerves were killing her

After the couple finished exchanging compliments, they walked over to Zayn's car. He unlocked the car door then turned to look at Lauren

"After you my lady" Zayn said motioning with his arm for Lauren to get in his car

"Why thank you kind sir" Lauren said flashing a smile as she made her way into the car

After she went in the car, Zayn closed the door then ran around the car to get into the drivers' side.

During the car ride, Lauren's mind was occupied with thoughts of how lucky she is to be going on a date with her celebrity crush. Everything that was happening at the moment was so surreal to her, it felt like she was having a dream that holds all of her fantasies, a dream no one would ever want to wake up from.

"We're almost there baby" Zayn said in excitement looking over to Lauren then reverted his eyes back on the road

"How many minutes away are we?" Lauren asked

"About 6 minutes" Zayn answered still keeping his eyes on the road reaching for something in his left pocket

"I need you to put this on babe" Zayn said handing a blindfold over to Lauren

"Why?" Lauren asked in confusion

"I don't want you to see the surprise I have for you yet"

"But I don't want to" Lauren declined

"Just do it babe" Zayn pleaded hoping Lauren would just stop trying to fight with him and just do as he says

"Okay fine" Lauren said taking the blindfold then wrapped it over her eyes and tied it behind her head

A few minutes later, the car finally came to a stop. Lauren was getting ready to remove the blindfold until Zayn's voice caused her to freeze

"Don't take it off yet" Zayn ordered then proceeded to open his side of the door. Lauren shifted uncomfortably in her seat until the sound of her side of the door being unlocked filled her ears.

Zayn took Lauren's hand aiding her to get out of the car, once she was on her feet, he stood behind her and gently pushed her to make her walk then placed his hands around her waist as they walked towards the location.

"We're almost there" Zayn smiled as they reached the entrance of the building. He pushed the door and reached down, once again placing his arms around Lauren's waist leading her inside.

Suddenly, she felt the blindfold being untied behind her head and removed from her eyes. She opened her eyes then blinked and squinted so that they could adjust to the lighting before her. She gasped as she saw the scenery, she looked around the restaurant in awe, the sight was absolutely breathtaking to her.

"What do you think?" "Do you like it?" Zayn asked wrapping his arms around Lauren's waist looking ahead at the surprise he had planned for their date.

"Zayn, I think it's perfect but you really didn't have to rent a whole restaurant just for our date"

"No I had to, I didn't want paparazzi and fans to ruin our night harassing me while I'm out with the most beautiful and amazing girl in the world" Zayn said lovingly making Lauren blush and turn around facing him then pulled him into an embrace

"You are the sweetest guy on earth, you know that?" Lauren said with her arms wrapped around Zayn's neck gazing at him in fondness. The two stared into each others eyes for a moment then leaned in pressing their lips together in a slow deep kiss.

After they pulled away breaking the kiss, they made their way over to the table. Zayn pulled out the chair for Lauren to sit then walked around the other side of the table to pull his chair out and sit in it. When they were finished ordering their food, they made small talk until the food arrived.

Everything in this moment was just perfect, just the two of them enjoying a night out without any interruptions from the annoying paparazzi nor the obsessive and invasive fans that has zero respect for their favourite celebrities' privacy and personal space.

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