Chapter 11

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What an incredible night! I'm glad everything worked out perfectly, really looking forward to doing that again soon 😄

@zjmluver39 @zaynmalik:

Do what?

@mindofz @zaynmalik:

What made tonight so incredible? 👀

@Marrymehzaddy @zaynmalik:

Were you out on a date or something?

@zaddyzain @Marrymehzaddy @zaynmalik:

OMG he probably was! I wonder with who though? 👀

The Next Day

Zayn's our oxygen

Madison sent Zayn's tweet and said: I have a feeling he was out on a date lastnight, the question is with who?

Take it off malik: I think so too

Zaynownsthisass: When I find out who the bitch he went out with is I'll fucking murder her

Take it off malik: What the actual fuck

Madison: Adriana what is wrong with you!? 😲

Zaynownsthisass: She doesn't deserve his attention, I swear I'm gonna make her regret being so close to him, he belongs to me!!

Lauren: I cackled

Madison: Me too Lauren omg I haven't laughed this hard in a while 😂😂😂

Zaynownsthisass: These hoes laughing like it's so funny 😒

Madison: But it is 😂 you genuinely believe Zayn belongs to you when he doesn't even know you exist

Lauren: ^^ also you should be happy for him if he's seeing someone instead of bashing the person he's dating and you don't even know if he really DID go on a date last night, no one does so there's no need for you to raise your blood pressure you're probably getting riled up over nothing

Zaynownsthisass: Fuck you both, I can do whatever I want and don't fucking tell me that I should be happy about him being out with some bitch last night who probably only likes him because of his fame, he should date someone who genuinely loves him like me

Lauren: Why do you keep calling her a bitch though? When you don't even know who she is

Zaynownsthisass: Why are you so offended by me calling her names? It's not like you're the one he went out with, so relax 😂

If only she knew, Lauren smirked

Lauren: The one here who needs to calm down is you, you're the one that's saying awful things about someone you don't even know, threatening to kill them and telling Zayn who he's allowed to date as if he's a fucking child or fictional character. He's 22 for fucks sake he's old enough to make his own decisions

Zaynownsthisass: I've been by his side since his X factor audition, back when no one really knew who he was nor believed in him as much as they do now, I've watched him grow over the years so I'm more than fucking allowed to tell him who to date

Madison: Girl you're so stupid 🤦🏻

Lauren: She really is, listen being a fan of someone since the beginning still doesn't give you the right to try to tell someone what to do, you're just a fan nothing more nothing less, you're in no position to try to control their actions

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