Chapter 13

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Zayn: Good morning babe, I'm about to go down to Simon's office now to hear what I need to do in the PR

Lauren: *Sigh* This is going to be the worst 5 months of my life

Zayn: I know 😢

Lauren: Before you go, can you promise me one thing?

Zayn: Of course baby

Lauren: Don't fall for Selena

Zayn: You don't even have to worry about that because I'm with you and I don't even like her, in fact I can't stand her

Lauren: Okay babe, now go out there and show off your amazing acting skills

Zayn: Will do 😄

Lauren: I hope you win an Oscar when all of this is over

Zayn: Coming back to you is way better than an Oscar 😘❤️❤️

Lauren: Oh God! I love you so much 😭❤❤

Zayn: I love you more! I have to go now I don't want to be late to the meeting

Lauren: Yes babe I understand 💞

Zayn: 😘😘


Zayn walked into Simon's office watching as he took a sip of his coffee wishing he'd choke on the beverage

"Morning" Zayn greeted taking a seat, Simon responded with a slight nod while holding his tea cup by the handle

"Where is she?" Zayn asked looking around the office

"Why are you asking about me?" "Did you miss me or something?" Selena teased making Zayn instantly turn around in the chair

"Of course not" Zayn said in disgust

"Yeah right!" "Anyways let's just get this thing over with" Selena said walking over to a chair then sat down on it

Simon took another sip of his coffee before placing it down on top of the desk

"Okay good the both of you are here now" Simon said, Zayn and Selena responded with a nod

"Alright so before you two start to go out in public, I want you to go on Instagram and like a few of her pictures and throw in a heart eyed emoji or two" Simon said looking directly at Zayn

"Do I have to?"

"You signed the contract, so I think that answers your question" Simon responded making Zayn groan, he reached in his pocket and pulled his phone out

Once he had his phone in his hand, he put in his password then swiped his thumb across the screen until he saw the Instagram app and tapped on it. He felt his stomach turn as he searched for Selena's profile, he clicked on it so that he was now able to see her posts

"K.. so.. uh... I'm on Selena's page now, which pictures should I like and comment on?" Zayn asked

"That's your decision to make"

"K den" Zayn said trying to make up his mind as to which photos he should double tap, if he had a choice he'd get up and leave Simon's office. He already hated the idea of leaving likes on Selena's pictures but when it was time to comment the heart eyed emojis that's when he cringed

"Okay fuck, I'm done" Zayn said in disgust then exited the Instagram app

"Okay, Now that you've liked her pictures, the public and media will now be speculating that something is happening between you two"

"Why would they?" "All I did was like and comment on her pics not offer a marriage proposal"

"Fans do this all the time" Selena said

"Did I ask!?" Zayn said in a harsh tone making Selena frown

"Zayn!!" Simon yelled trying to get Zayn's attention


"I know you don't like Selena but in order to make this relationship believable you're going to have to show her some respect" 

"Whatever.." Zayn said not caring about anything Simon had to say


"Fine, I'll do it"

"You better, anyways so the next thing you two are going to do is go to the beach together this Saturday"

"To the beach?" Zayn and Selena asked in unison

"Yes, I'll give you guys more information later, you're free to go now"

Zayn's our oxygen

Take it off malik: I can't believe this shit

Adam: What?

Take it off malik: Zayn liked and commented on Selena Gomez's IG pics, I'm so disappointed

Madison: WTF!!??


Madison: I think the fuck not @ Adam

Take it off malik: Guys what if his tweet about having an incredible night was referring to Selena!? 😫

Madison: I hope not because I don't want Zayn's name to be the next to end up on Selena's list of broken hearts

Take it off malik: ^^

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