Chapter 18

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Prom Day

Today's the day, the last day Lauren would be at school with her friends who she made many memories with throughout the school years. She stood in her room getting ready for the big day, when she had put her prom dress and accessories on, she went before the mirror admiring her new look then made her way downstairs to wait for her friends, Dinah and Camila to arrive.

Some minutes later, she heard a car stop and started to beep on the outside of her house, for a second she hoped the person on the outside waiting for her would be her lover despite her telling him they should wait 2 weeks before seeing each other again but she quickly pushed those thoughts away to the back of her head because she knew it was unrealistic. She took a deep breath before she placed her hand on the door knob to turn it. When she had unlocked the door she saw Dinah and Camila waiting in their car for her.

"Oh my God!" "Lauren you look amazing" Dinah and Camila said in unison, excitedly getting out of the car running towards Lauren and pulled her into an embrace

"Awwww thank you guys so much!" "You guys look amazing too" Lauren said as she pulled out of the hug looking at her friends' outfits

"I know right!" Camila said twirling around in her dress making both Lauren and Dinah laugh at her gesture

After the three friends exchanged compliments and had a little laugh, they got into the car

"K so before I start driving which song do you guys want to hear?" Camila asked curiously as she plugged her iPhone into the aux port

"Hmmm... play Prom by SZA" Lauren suggested

"Oh my god! I love that song so much, good choice Lauren" Dinah complimented lightly nudging Lauren with her elbow

"Yeah it's one of my fav songs on Ctrl"

"Same! I love SZA's music so much"

"Don't we all?"

Meanwhile the two friends in the backseat were discussing their love for SZA's music, Camila was busy searching for the song before she could play it in the car.

The three friends sang their hearts out to numerous songs through out the car ride until they reached their destination. They got out of the vehicle seeing their school mates scattered all over the school grounds getting lost in conversations and taking pictures, when they had spotted their other friends they headed straight over to them, meanwhile Dinah and Camila were busy greeting their friends and complimenting them on their outfits and makeup Lauren just stood their awkwardly while watching them until she felt a light tap on her shoulder making her immediately turn around.

"Hi" Justin greeted

"Hey" Lauren replied

"You look lovely" Justin said admiring the girl standing before him

"Thank you"

"So did you come alone?"

"No, I came with Dinah and Camila"

"So you don't have a date then?"


"Seriously!?" "Okay well-"

"Justin!" Austin yelled

"Yes!?" Justin answered in a bit of annoyance, looking in his friend's direction

"Get over here we're about to take group pics" Austin said in impatience

"Alright I'll be over there in a sec" Justin said then turned to look at lauren

"I'll see you around okay"

"Yeah see you"

Lauren turned around watching her friends again while they talked with their other friends
This time their conversation seemed as if it was about to be over. Just as lauren thought their conversation ended soon, after Camila and Dinah said their goodbyes to their other friends Camila suggested for her, Lauren and Dinah to take pictures together. They chose a spot on the school grounds to take pictures until it was time for all of the students to head into the school and go to where the food was kept.

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