Chapter 12

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A few weeks later

Zayn: I don't think I've ever asked you this before but what do you plan to do after you graduate?

Lauren: Well I plan on studying Art but at the same time I want to audition for the X factor, I'm so conflicted

Zayn: Wait so what you're telling me is that you can sing? Lauren why are you just letting me know this!?

Lauren: I'm sorry it's just that I don't know if singing's what I want to do

Zayn: So? You could have still told me but it's fine, you don't need to apologize. So can I hear you sing rn?

Lauren: I have covers on youTube that you could watch but they're on private so let me go take them off of it so that they'll be public

Zayn: Okay babe tell me when you're done and also the name of your channel

Lauren: I'm done now & Lauren Jaguar

Zayn: Thanks baby, I'm about to go on youTube to watch some of your covers now

Lauren: I'm so nervous right now

Zayn: Don't be I'm sure I'll love your singing voice

Lauren: I hope so

After reading Lauren's reply, Zayn exited the messaging app, gliding his thumb across the screen until he saw the youTube app, he tapped on it waiting for it to open so he could type in his girlfriend's name. As he searched for her channel, a few results came up, most of the covers were of his songs which caused a smile to form on his lips. He sat on his bed staring at the screen debating on which cover he should click on first. Not long after he clicked on Lauren's cover of dRuNk waiting for it to load.

The rate of his heart beat picked up as he watched and listened to his girlfriend singing a cover of one of his songs from his debut album, Mind of Mine. He sat there in awe listening to her voice, he loved every single thing about it, It was the most beautiful sound he's ever heard. Before Zayn decided to watch another one of her covers he exited the youTube app and reopened the messaging app to compliment Lauren on her voice but unfortunately got interrupted when his phone began to ring, his manager's number flashed across the screen. He dragged the answer button across the screen then placed the cellphone to his ear.


"Hello Zayn, I need you to come down to my office right now"

"Why?" Zayn asked in curiousity

"I'll explain everything later, just get here as soon as you can"

"Alright" Zayn said waiting for the call to end

Zayn walked out of his room, heading downstairs to get out of his house so that he could get into his car. When he got into his car, he put the key in the ignition and turned it enabling the car to start.


"Oh you're here now?" Simon said looking up from the newspaper in his hands that he was reading from, he closed it then placed it on top of his desk.

Zayn nodded then took a seat in a chair that was in front of his manager's desk

"Alright so lets discu-" Simon got cut off by a loud gasp

"Really!?" This is who you're setting me up with!? A female voice asked in anger and disbelief which caused Zayn to quickly turn around to see who the voice came from. His eyes widened right when he saw the person

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