Sharing the News

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Alexis's P.O.V

Today Anthony and I are planning a meeting with the Smosh Squad and the Smosh Games Squad and we're going to tell them that I'm pregnant and the gender . So I got a shower , got dressed , did my hair , my makeup , grabbed my stuff , and headed out the door .

 So I got a shower , got dressed , did my hair , my makeup , grabbed my stuff , and headed out the door

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Once we got there we shared the news . Guys Alexis and I have to tell you something Anthony said . Anthony and Olivia are the only ones that know about this , but I'm pregnant and the baby is a girl I said . Awww they all said congrats dude Ian said . Thanks Ian I said . Anthony have made our decision for The Godfather and the Godmother I said . Ian Hecox I choose you to be The Godfather Anthony said . Olivia Sui I choose you to be the Godmother of our baby I said . OH MY GOODNESS YAYYYYY she said crying on my shoulder . Thanks man Ian said . Anytime I said . And one more thing I said . Olivia Sui will you be my doula I said . What does doula mean Olivia said . It means in the delivery room holding my leg while I push I said . OH MY GOD YES I WILL BE YOUR DOULA she said . YAYYYY I'm so excited I said . When is your due date Courtney said . March 3 , 2015 I said . Awesome We're so happy for you they all said . Guys one more thing I said . This baby will be the official Smosh baby Anthony said . OH MY GOD YAYYYYYYY everyone said . After we shared the news we all went home . I decided to film a bumpdate for my channel .

(The video = Bumpdate Week : 24)

AL : Hi Lovelies today I'm coming to you with another bumpdate , so today I'm 24 and only got 2 more months to go , I'm so excited , next week I start birthing classes so I learn and know so when the baby comes I'm ready , my belly has gotten bigger and my belly button has fully popped out , tune in next week for my next bumpdate , and I will see you soon , BYEEEE , blows kiss to camera

(End of Video)

After I was done with the video I fell asleep on the couch watching 13 reasons why .

That One Night at the Bar // COMPLETED Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin