Ch. 1: A Rainy Night

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It was a cold and rainy Friday night in the middle of October. I was on patrol with Chat Noir until 2 in the morning. Crime has dropped a lot in Paris since we started to go on patrol on a regular basis, so the two of us decided to split up and go home as everything was quiet and peaceful.

I wasn't that tired, but Chat Noirs attempts at flirting annoyed me to pieces. Why didn't he stop his attempts? I always thought he is just a big flirt until he invited Ladybug to a surprise dinner and talked to me as Marinette about how sad he was I didn't come. I felt bad for turning him down, but my heart only belonged to Adrien. Chat was just a good friend for me. I was glad he didn't come to visit Marinette more often a this would have made things really complicated for me.

I was half way home as I heard loud painful sounding screams from one of the top suites of Le Hotel Grand Paris. I swung myself up and jumped into the room through an open window. Everything was dark as lights turned out a few seconds before I entered. As I was searching the suite room by room, I saw mayor Bourgeois lying on the ground and a shadowy figure dashed out of a closet behind me. The mysterious silhouette ran towards the window I came through, jumped out and closed it behind her.

The lights went back on and I ran towards Chloé's father to check if he was alright. I wanted to follow the unknown person, but helping someone in need was more important, than chasing a suspect. I kneeled down beside mayor Bourgeois and checked for vitals. He had clear and fresh marks around his neck, that looked like he was strangled with something like a string or cable. No breath, no pulse, I was too late. My professional calmness faded away and I was shocked as the realization hit me. He got killed only a few seconds before I could have helped him. My stomach twisted, I sobbed and a few tears rolled down my eyes since I never saw a corpse.

My thoughts got interrupted as the door was suddenly kicked in and Roger and two other Policemen rushed into the room, guns drawn and directed at me. Roger yelled: "This is the police! Ladybug, stay where you are and do not resist! Leave the mayor alone!"

I tried to steady my breath as I desperately tried to answer. "I'm innocent! I came in and found him here!" But Roger didn't listen to me: "Ladybug, I arrest you for assaulting mayor Bourgeois! You have the right to remain silent and call an attorney."

I wasn't sure why, but Roger did not believe me and still pointed his gun at me, anger burning in his eyes. I was still shocked by the gruesome sight of the dead mayor, but I managed to pull myself together, get up on my feet again and regain my professional attitude. I rushed to the window and tried to open it, but the security system had locked it up.

In the next second, I heard a gunshot going off and saw a bullet crashing into the - obviously bulletproof - window. I immediately reacted by jumping behind some cover in a room next to me. Tikki once told me my suit is made out of the same tough material as my yo-yo, but I wasn't fond of trying its limits. I yelled "Lucky Charm!", and hoped for the best.

A package of fire-crackers appeared right in front of me. I was thinking hard about how to put it to good use and suddenly Rogers gun and the burning chimney in the entrance room came to my mind. I lurked out of cover, grabbed the Officers gun with my yo-yo and threw the fire-crackers into the middle of a burning pile of wood in the chimney.

The smoke from the exploding fire-crackers filled the air and triggered the sprinkler system. I used this opportunity to run across the room, towards the kicked in doors. I managed to run past a very confused Roger and slid through the legs of another policeman who wanted to grab me. The last officer tried to block my way out, so I got no other choice than to slam him into the wall of the hallway. It felt so wrong to fight the police, but sadly it wasn't the first time I had to do this, like when Roger got akumatized. Trying to escape, I ran down the hallway as fast as I could until I saw a door to a fire exit. I knocked it down and jumped back into the cold and rainy night.

I tried to stay calm as I processed everything that happened during the last few minutes. Nothing of this made any sense. I wasn't sure how, or why, but there was only one conclusion. Somebody just killed the mayor and framed me for it.

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