Ch. 8: I will do anything for you, bugaboo

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It was nearly 2 o'clock in the morning, as I arrived at the Parisian police headquarters, a 10-floor building with an outrageous lack of guards or patrols outside. On the other hand, who would even try to break into a building full of police officers? People always said that curiosity killed the cat. There were several police helicopters patrolling around the city, they probably were searching for Ladybug and me. I climbed onto the roof of a nearby building and vaulted onto the top of the police station. The maintenance door on the roof was locked and breaking it open would probably trigger some kind of alarm. It wasn't the first time I got in trouble with the police and I was always ready for a little dance, but I preferred to stay hidden this time.

I decided to look for an open window. In a building this large, there was always somebody careless enough to leave one open. It didn't even take me five minutes and I slipped in through an open bathroom window on the 9th floor. I checked on the door and listened closely before I decided to open it. Since running made a lot of noise, I tried to sneak my way to the stairs. Those should be empty since people are lazy buns who prefer to take the elevator. I found a description of the different floors after taking a look around in the stairwell. The archives were in the 6th and the IT-department in the 7th floor.

I was sneaking down some stairs which were as empty as I imagined, as I reached the door to the 7th floor. It had a poster of the latest Justice League movie attached to it. Yep, I was definitely entering the nerd kingdom. There was a single guy left in one of the offices, everything else was nice and dark and quiet. I found a terminal with access to the main server, but I needed the key card from the head of IT. I walked around without making much noise, as I was looking at the signs on every door. Of course, the room I was looking for was the only one which was occupied by some guy who really should get some sleep right now. Good thing I was a superhero, ready to help him with that.

I pushed the half-closed door open, as the hinges started squeaking. The IT-guy instantly jumped from his desk turned around, but he was too late. I threw my baton right into his face and followed up with a clean hook against his head to knock him out. I tied him up with some cables and gagged him with his own tie. I took the keycard from his desk and finally got access to the main terminal. I pulled out a USB-stick and managed to find and download the original video evidence. I browsed for a few more minutes to find more notes about the incident. I wasn't even sure what exactly I was looking for, but I eventually found the report of the officer who responded the emergency call.

Actually, I never thought about who called the cops on my lady, just for them to arrive right on time to find her standing next to the dead mayor. The report stated that the voice was a bit distorted and the call had a lot of static noise in the background. The caller refused to say his or her name and said that he or she was scared. The telephone number couldn't be linked to any name because it was a pre-paid number that was only used for this one emergency call. Furthermore, the phone call was located to be coming from Le Hotel Grand Paris or an area close by. This was interesting. How could people even think that nothing strange was going on? The whole thing reeked.

I grabbed my USB-stick and was ready to leave through the stairwell, as I bumped into Sabrina's dad who apparently came to check on some files. Both of us took a second to realize the situation. He grabbed my arm, but I threw him to the ground and made a run, jumping through the next window. I missed what happened next.

Rogercop, how often do you want to get humiliated by Ladybug and Chat Noir? First, they stole your spotlight, now they are murderers and terrorists. I tried to warn you about them. He is alone, that's your chance! Take him down and bring me his miraculous, so I can destroy it.

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