Ch.11 Turning Point

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Monday morning, it was my fourth day in hospital, not counting the evening I got here. The last days were pretty boring, because I wasn't allowed to leave my bed for unnecessary stuff. At least my parents and friends came to visit me every day, especially Adrien. He acted like it was his fault that I got hurt, even though it wasn't. He never threatened me and I just jumped between him and the fake Ladybug to take the hit. Actually, I wasn't even thinking about what I've done until the blade pierced my body. It felt like a natural reaction to me. Maybe it was my love for this dreamy guy, who managed to conquer my heart. Maybe that's why Chat was always taking hits for me. Speaking of love, I still got the problem of kissing Adrien as my superhero persona. I knew Adrien loved Ladybug but she was just the person behind the mask. How do I get him to like me? Ladybug kissing him wasn't going to help me. Of course, I could just reveal myself to him and hope for the best. But I wanted him to fall in love with the real me, not the mask.

Madame Avelia - one of the nurses - woke me up, as she was bringing me breakfast. "Good Morning Madame Dupain-Cheng. I hope you were sleeping well. Here's your breakfast. Two croissants, ham, cheese and extra strawberry jam. I know you like it, so I gave you the double amount of jam."

She was a really nice person who did her job with passion, always making sure I got everything that I needed. I opened my eyes to see her gentle smile. "Good Morning Madame Avelia. Thanks, that's so awesome of you. You're a big help to me."

Her smile brightened as she listened to my words: "That's a nice thing to hear. The doctor wants to see you after breakfast, I'm going to tell him you're awake now." She left the room, so I started my morning ritual of watching TV while I was having breakfast.

Tikki came out of her hiding spot, as I shared a strawberry jam croissant with her. Of course, Nadja was on TV again. I really liked her as a person, but she was telling bad news every time I saw her on TV.

"Good Morning Paris, this is Nadja Chamack with the 9 A.M. news. Yesterday the citizens of Paris were called to elect a new mayor to replace the deceased André Bourgeois, who is said to be killed by Paris' once beloved superheroine Ladybug. A court still has to convict her, but the evidence seems not to be in Ladybugs favour, as she still is on the run. This was the dominating topic of the election. Last week's polls predicted a close call, but Ladybug was striking again three days prior to the election as she attacked Adrien Agreste, the son of top candidate Gabriel Agreste and seriously injured Adrien's girlfriend. This made a lot of Parisian citizens change their minds. The last votes were counted in the early hours of this morning. Gabriel Agreste got elected with a majority of 64.1% and started his work as the new mayor at 8 o'clock this morning. He already announced to put everything he got into capturing Ladybug and Chat Noir, as he called in federal police reserves and heavily armed anti-terrorist squads."

"God damn it, give me a break!" I shut off the TV. Of course, things were getting more difficult every day. Hawk Moth, some assassin killing Chloé's father and trying to kill Adrien, me nearly getting arrested or killed multiple times, Chat and me being the most wanted criminals in Paris and now the father of the guy I loved was trying to arrest me and his own son.

I finished my breakfast and Dr. Duval came into my room: "Good morning Madame Dupain-Cheng. You look like you're having a bad mood. Let me help you out a little. I need to take a final look at your wound, so please pull your shirt up a little bit."

I did what I was told to and the doctor examined the spot I got stabbed in. "Okay, this looks as good as I expected. You can leave the hospital today, the paperwork will be ready after lunch. Please just don't do any kinds of sports or hard work for the next week and everything will be fine. You really were lucky with this one."

I started to smile again, at least I got some good news. This was the moment I decided to start taking my life back. I pulled out my phone and called Alya. "Hey girl. Great news, the doctor told me I will get out today."

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