Ch.7: Rogue Noir

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I felt bad for leaving the funeral early. Everyone from my class was there and of all the people, Chloé was the one who needed me most. I knew she wasn't the nicest person to everyone, but I still thought she is a troubled child. She had her very own problems, which she never liked talking about. But she was getting better, she admitted to the mistakes she made after Ladybug and I defeated Zombizou a few weeks ago. Still, Sabrina was her only other friend, so I felt guilty for not being by her side.

I did not know what was up, but my father told me about some serious business partners from the USA and Japan, which we had to meet today. He told me the meeting was already set and not attending would hurt our reputation and his whole company. This was so typical of him, cold and distant as always. I promised Chloé to visit her later that day. I still received strange looks from lots of people for leaving the funeral early. I hoped they don't hate me for this.

As I was changing my clothes to a more bright and colourful outfit, my father told me that the meeting was canceled due to a delayed flight, but I should stay inside just in case something would change the schedule again. Talk about the black cat's bad luck. Being basically grounded I put on the TV, to watch the live broadcast of the funeral. Everything seemed fine...until Chloé got akumatized.

I immediately yelled for Plagg who was trying to eat a piece of his beloved stinky cheese. I transformed and jumped out of the window. It took me some time to get back to the cemetery, but I had no idea that I nearly would have been too late. I saw how Antibug was strangling my lady, how the love of my life stopped resisting and passed out. I threw my baton with all my strength and managed to hit Antibugs head, which made her loosen her grip. I shoved her away from the now unconscious Ladybug and engaged in a hand to hand fight.

It took some time for bugaboo to get up again, but she still lived. I would have snapped if she would have died, giving Hawk Moth a firsthand experience of my cataclysm. We defeated Antibug together but the girl of my dreams was suddenly hit by a huge net, probably launched from a canon. I knew the police was upgrading its riot gear, but this wasn't fair at all. Ladybug was immobilized on the middle of a bridge as dozens of policemen were charging at her. I wasn't thinking at all, just doing what needed to be done. Before I could second guess myself I destroyed the bridge with my cataclysm, forcing everyone to take a bath in my favourite river. I fished for Ladybug as she still seemed to be weak, while her transformation could wear off every second. I placed her in a safe area to de-transform and made sure to be back home as soon as possible.

I thought about peeking, but I knew how important it was for her not to know who each other was. I would have revealed myself to her long time ago, but she didn't want that. It was hard to respect her decision. If we knew each other's civilian identities, I could visit her in her civil life and make a plan to prove her innocence and restore her honour.

I made it back home before anyone noticed that I was gone for a while. I fed Plagg some of his beloved smelly camembert and took some of Marinettes macarons for myself. Damn, those were good. Thinking of Marinette, I remembered to visit her this evening. This could become a long night, so I got some sleep while I still could.

It was 10 P.M. as I decided to transform and sneak out to visit Marinette. Of course, I knew the police looked out for Chat Noir, but I was good at hiding in the darkness. I got to Marinette's balcony without any problems and knocked on her trapdoor. She opened up and I dropped into her beautiful room that was so full of life and passion. It felt more like a home than my own cold and empty prison cell that rivaled the size of some gyms.

Her bluebell eyes were looking at me, with all her deep shades of blue. A blue so deep like an ocean. After a few seconds, I started wondering myself why she was wearing a scarf. It wasn't that cold and she never acted like she starts freezing quickly. She also just wore a T-shirt, without a jacket or pullover. Knowing her sense for fashion, I never expected her to do that.

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