Ch. 16 Life and Death

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"Bridgette, you were so close to complete your mission. Nobody has the right to beat you. Those puny maggots will regret ever touching you. I am sending you the gift of a second chance, don't fail me again! You took countless lives for other people, but now you will take their souls for yourself. Grim Reaper, rise! Destroy all evidence and bring me Ladybug's and Chat Noir's miraculous!"

Chat and I followed the police cars, closely watched be the helicopters in pursuit. It was a good thing I talked us out of getting arrested. The cops seemed to trust us at least a little bit. I was sure, this was a sign of things already getting better. Chat smiled at me as we vaulted over the rooftops of Paris. It was a little bit like in the old days. Just running, jumping and swinging, without needing to hide from the police, without being chased. We still would need to testify, but this should only be a formality with all this prove we had.

Suddenly the car in front of us got sliced in half like a lemon. A dreadful figure with a wrathful look in a black coat hovered over said car, unholy clouds dark fog streaming away from her. This must have been Bridgette! I looked right in her face, as her head turned into a half rotten skull with red glowing eyes, burning with relentless hate. Her body was covered in black leather, just like Chat.

"M'Lady, I have a bad feeling about this." Chat readied his baton. We were in the middle of Paris, with an akumatized assassin on the loose. Akumatized Bridgette headed for Alya's car, there was no way we could allow her to reach it. I threw my yo-yo which managed to entangle her leg. She started pulling me with her, as Chat helped me by getting grip on my yo-yo's string. In an attempt to not let Alya escape, she threw her scythe towards the leading car, hitting its front axis and creating a mass crash in the process.

The police officers stormed out, pulling their guns and pointing them at Grim Reaper. She somehow managed free herself and flew to reclaim her weapon. The officers opened fire, but all it did was making her lose some smoke. Bridgette grabbed her scythe and went straight after Alya who was now being evacuated by 2 policemen. She flew by and struck all 3 of them down in a single cut.

Everything moved in slow motion as the blade hit my best friends chest and went straight through her. She fell to the ground, but instead of being cut in half, green bubbles of light came out of Alya and the policemen who guarded her and were absorbed into the Grim Reaper's body.

"ALYA!!!!!" I screamed out for my best friend, as I could not believe what was happening. We caught the killer, we were free, the world was normal again. Everything Chat and I went through, Alya suffering as well...all of it was for nothing.

Chat lost his temper and rushed in. "You will pay for this!" He wildly bashed the dark figure which looked like the incarnation of death itself. He wildly attacked and even managed to land a few hits which made her lose some smoke again.

The helicopters flew to the nearby plaza in front of the Hotel Grand Paris and tried to blind Grim Reaper with their searchlights to get her attention. This was either stupid, or they had a plan. I ran over several roofs and yelled at my partner. "Chat, don't rush in alone! Follow me to the plaza!"

One of the helicopters got the attention he was looking for and was immediately focussed by Bridgette, who by this point started to fly towards the helicopter. She left a short trail of black smoke behind her. Maybe it was just my imagination or the blinding searchlights, but she seemed to get a little smaller.

Not even a few seconds later and the first helicopter got its back rotor cut off, sending it crashing to the ground. Bridgette jumped for another chopper and made it explode in her relentless wrath. She hovered in mid-air as she summoned more green bubbles of light from the wreckages, which got absorbed into her body.

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