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'Wakey wakey.'

Your eyes fluttered open seeing the sight of your squip poking your cheek.

You turned to the other side and your face met Michael's adorable face.

'W-we didn't do it...right?!'

'Classified information.'

You continued to look at his beautiful face.

Thump thump

'You're enjoying this Y/N...'

His breathing synchronized with yours.

You heard him mumble something.


You heard foot tapping and stood up from the bed, seeing how impatient your squip is.

"School starts in an hour, you should get ready now.'

"Okay okay, I get it."

"Y-Y/N, Who are you talking to?" You looked over to see Michael sitting on his bed, rubbing his eyes.

He reached for his glasses on the bedside table and saw your perfect figure.

You blushed.

"N-no one. Uhm... school starts in an hour so..may I use your bathroom, just for a few minutes? Please."


He led you to his bathroom and gave you your clothes from yesterday, you thanked him as you took a short shower.

You let your mind wander as the water trickled down your delicate skin..

You looked over to see some tissues and a lotion bottle on the counter near the sink.

'I-is he..'

'Probability of male target masturbating...90%'

You blushed like a tomato as you continued to shower, trying to forget what you saw.

But you can't help but wonder...

'Who is he masturbating to?'



You heard a knock.

"Hey Y/N, is something wrong?"

You turned off the shower, and tried to grab a towel, but your hand didn't feel the said item.

'Michael has a towel with him. Go ask for one.'

"Uhm..Michael, may I borrow a towel?"


He opened the door and blushed intensely.

You forgot to close the shower curtain.

He covered his eyes with his free hand and gave you his towel.

"Holy fuck, I'm so so sorry Y/N, I didn't know you were naked on the other side of the door, I'm so sorry!!" He apologized repeatedly.

You grabbed the towel and reassured him it's fine.

He left the bathroom with a very red face and leaned on the door.

'Holy fuck she's hot.' He thought o himself as he walked off to get another towel for himself.

You glared at your squip.

"What was that for?!"

'What was what?'

You Can Tell Me... [Michael Mell X Female Reader] BE MORE CHILLWhere stories live. Discover now