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******: how are you feeling? I mean, I heard what happened to you, I mean the whole school now knows, and I want to know if you're okay.

You: I'm fine. Thanks for asking, anyways, I gotta go now.



You put your phone away as you were nearing Michael's car.

You saw him put his phone in his pocket and his eyes lit up when he saw you.

"Y/N! Wait up, you're too fast for someone who just got out of the hospital!" He said whole running.

He finally caught up and opened the door for you.

You gave him a smile and went in.

"Hey Michael, who were you texting?" You asked, you always had this feeling that the person you've been texting is Michael, but his tone felt different...more...depressed.

"oh, I just got a text that Rich was the one who burned Jake's house. I got that a lot already, they're still on it until now."

"Is he gonna be in the play?"

"Nah i doubt it."

'You will not go to the play.'  Your squip repeated over and over until Michael started the engine.

"I think I can't go tomorrow."

You saw your squip smile.

"Why?" He said as he pressed on the gas and the car started moving.

His eyes locked onto your [E/C] ones.

"Something...came up...So I won't be there in time for tomorrow."

You fake scratched your head and laughed awkwardly.

"Oh, it's all good. Yeah, totally." You felt a pang in your heart.

'Was that the right thing to say?' You asked your squip as he nodded.


The ride wasn't exactly what you called a 'joy ride', you brought up some small talks here and there to avoid the awkward silence, but every topic you started, Michael finds a way to end it.

'he was really hurt you know.'

'what kind of excuse should I tell him then?'

'I don't know..'

'you're a computer!'

'And you're human.'

'That does not make sense...'


He faded and you sighed in disappointment.

"So uh, Y/N..."

You immediately looked at Michael when your name escaped his lips.


"...Are you even aware of Theo's condition?"

You felt another pang in your heart.

"Who's Theo?"


"Wait, so you're telling me...I had a best friend named Theo?" Everytime he mentions 'Theo', the words just passes from your ear to the other, like what you do in school.

But this time, you weren't doing this on purpose.

"I'm really sorry Michael, but I never heard of anyone by the name Theo Rivers." You said as you scratched the back of your head.

You Can Tell Me... [Michael Mell X Female Reader] BE MORE CHILLWhere stories live. Discover now