487 19 17

"Y/N?" You heard a familiar voice come in.

He had a dark colored hair and a fair skin tone.did I mention he wears glasses? Well I just did.

"I heard from Evan that you got hospitalized so I brought you these." He handed you a bouquet of different kinds of flowers.

"I don't really know what you want, so I brought every one of a kind in the store..." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"T-thank you, you really don't have to buy me all of this. This is unnecessary though, your visit is enough." You saw a tint of red on his cheeks.

His glasses fogged.

"I-i uhh, you're really pretty so uhh, oh god. Ah fuck." He stammered.

You gave him a soft smile.

"Thank you for your efforts, I really appreciate it."

You placed the bouquet on the table beside your bed, taking up more space than the empty glass of water.

He laughed weirdly and that made you giggle.

He went closer to your bed.

"Did I tell you how pretty you are?" His blush darkens.

"You just did earlier." You said as you playfully punched his arm.

"So uh, after you're discharged, may I take you on a date...?" Your expression faded.

"Uhm...about that I-" The door opened to reveal the Bob Marley-loving boyfriend of yours.

"Uh Y/N, who is this?" He asked pointing at the unknown man beside your bed.

"Oh it's just Jared. Evan's...kind of friend." Michael walked towards the said man and glared him intensely in the eyes.

Not really glared, more like stare but with a hint of disgust and envy in his eyes.

"Who are you?" Jared stepped closer to Michael. Jared's height nearly matches his, but Michael was only taller. (Not really sure who's taller though. I'll check it later.)

Michael did a confident expression and crossed his arms.

He smirked.

"I'm her boyfriend."

Jared's eyes widen, he cannot believe what he just heard.

"I don't believe you." He tiptoed to make him taller than the other figure, surprisingly, he succeded.

He succeeded in angering the stoner.

"Well believe me!" Michael did what the other do, and was now an inch taller.

"I don't want to!"

"Yes you will!"



"Jesus guys, you're acting like kids." You interrupted their argument. Both cocked their heads to the side saying: "YOU HAVE NO PART OF THIS!" In unison.

"Actually I do. So your fighting is impractical. And Jared?"


"I'm sorry, but I have to decline that offer. And uhh, don't you have school right now? I could ask you the same thing Michael." Michael flickered his eyes to the left.

"Well, our teacher dismissed us early so..." his brown eyes met yours. "You're lying."

Jared slowly took a step backwards.

You noticed this and asked what he was doing, when it was clearly obvious.

"Well uhh, I'm just gonna silently leave while you two sort your relationship...I don't wanna be in a middle of the reason why you two broke up so..." He did a small laugh.

"You could just say good bye..." You told him. His laugh turned awkward.

"Well, bye Y/N.. and Y/N's boyfriend."

"It's Michael" Jared shrugged and left.

Now it's just you and Michael.

"So uh...Michael, can we...actually figure out what sort of relationship we have going on here?" He stepped closer to your bed and sat on the conveniently placed chair beside it.

"Well, do you want to bring our friendship to the next level?"

You smiled.

"Level 2?" You chuckled at your own joke. He took a while to understand then let out an obnoxious laugh.

He placed his hand on top of yours. You blushed a deep purple color.

Yes, you still have the blue colored things that your squip left you.

Speaking of your squip.

You actually missed him.

You missed his annoying nagging voice, telling you to do things that were you thought you can't.

He gave you things you never had. He helped you build up your confidence.

Somehow...get Michael

And yet, you never thanked him.


"Hey Y/N, what'cha thinking about?" He asked worriedly.

"I..." He leaned closer.

"Can I ask something Michael?" He nodded. "Of course."

"Where's Theo?"


"So you finally remembered huh..." You nodded and looked at your white blanket that covered half of your body.

"Well, she has been burnt badly."


"And has been comatosed for a month now." He tightened his grip.


"How is Edward doing?"

Michael's grip softened. You faced him, his expression tells you that whatever Edward did...was unforgivable.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want t-"

"He's dating Justin Krop." He looked at you.

"Wait...he's bi?!" Your eyes widen.

"Yeah, you can say that...I guess? Justin is quite rich, so judging from his previous crushes, all he was after is money."

"Oh shit. Should we tell Theo when she wakes up?" He thought for a moment then nodded.

"I guess so, it's better to let her know about him... But I'm pretty sure Ed would just go crawling back to her and pleads to be his girl friend or something just to get money...or something." He spoke with venom in his words.

It's obvious that he did not like Edward at all.

I guess he lied when he told you that he would never leave you.

Or did he?


Oh wow, 200 reads. Thank you so much guys!!!

Edited - X

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