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"It's rigged!" You say as you heard a cackle from the stage.

There stood...

The redhead girl you haven't seen for months.

She wore a long red gown, and her hair down. 

She grinned and looked at your direction.

"Hello fellow students! Are you enjoying the event?" She asked through the microphone, and everyone but you and Michael cheered.

"Well, I got a surprise for all of you!" 

'Her voice..THAT'S NOT THEO!'

"Her body seemed controlled...Like, someone is pulling strings...Like she's a puppet, observe her movements."

And Connor was right, her body was moving like a puppet. And her eyes were very wide, and glared a blue tint to it.

"Squip.." You muttered under your breath, Michael heard it and looked over at Theo.

"Do you think she's..squipped?" You nod. "Let's get rid of it now! How did she even get squipped anyway?!" You didn't answer and stared at Theo's body.

It's obvious that she was not in control of her actions, but everyone was too distracted to notice.

"As the only child of the rich Rivers family, who helped in bringing this event together, I assume that you all drank the punch am I correct?" The crowed cheered, then followed by an ear-piercing scream. You saw her smirk.

Everyone soon screamed in pain, some are clutching their heads tightly, and some are on the ground.

'Oh shit.'

"Y/N!" You hear Connor's voice fade away.

'Calibration in process
Please excuse some mild discomfort'

"Y/N?!" Michael pulled you into a tight embrace as you let out a blood curling screech. You tried to hold the pain back, but the shock was too painful.

"Y/N! We can get rid of them together! Put your shit together!" Michael tightened his grip on you, as you shivered in pain. It was worse than before.

'Calibration complete
Access procedure initiated'

The pain stopped and you managed to look at Michael in the eye, although it was blurred. 

"Y/N? I have mountain dew red in my car, I just have to-"

'Discomfort level may increase' 

The pain came back, and is now shocking your spinal cord.  

'Accessing neural memory
Accessing muscle memory
Access procedure complete
Welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Int-Wait, Y/N?!'


'I thought I was deleted from your core memory... how did this happen?'

You pulled away from Michael's grasp, and stared at him. His expression was unreadable, a tint of confusion, anger, sadness, etc. 

"Y/N? Are you okay?"

"The squip's back!"

'Mr. Mell hasn't drank the fruit punch yet, meaning he can not see my form... However, your fellow classmates are suffering and getting hurt from the access procedures, some can't take the pain and fainted.'  You heard your squip say as he took a form of Keanu Reeves in front of you, just beside Michael. He motioned his hand over to your schoolmates.

You Can Tell Me... [Michael Mell X Female Reader] BE MORE CHILLWhere stories live. Discover now