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Oh Se-hun and Byun Baekhyun have been friends since forever, the fifth grade to be exact. They did everything together and everybody would call them the perfect duo. Now being 24, 25 in Baekhyun's case, Sehun and him decided to get homes directly across from one another. They would always come over to one another's home for kdrama, ramen, mochi, you name it, they always hung out whenever they got a chance. Sehun grabbed his keys and locked the front door, skipping down the three steps up to his door way and down the street, then walking to grab out his phone. Opening the WhatsApp, he pulled up one of his most recent contact, Baekhyun's.

Sehunnie👻 is typing...

Hello hyung
Went to work already
Need me to buy you anything after work?

You went to work already? It's like 9!
Could you pick up ramen? It's Ifeellikeramen Tuesday again...

Sehunnie 👻
But it's Thursday...

And I feel like ramen

Sehunnie 👻
I'll get you ramen after work



Sehun pocketed his phone as he walked up the few steps towards the building he called work, a small clothes shop on the corner of the two intertwining roads. His job was to help the costumers find what they were searching for, and if work was slow he would put clothes that didn't fit back on the racks. He waved to Min-seok, a friend that worked with him, and put on his hat labeled A&A Fasion Planet.

Ready to start the day, he thought as he put on a happy face as the first customer entered the building. Sehun scurried over and bowed to the customer politely. "Welcome to A&A Fasion Planet, how may I be of your assistance?"

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