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"I'm Chanyeol," he said softly before Baekhyun began to nervously laugh.

"S-Sehun? Is it normal for you to have people with the same name as your dog standing in your hallways?" Sehun shook his head and Baekhyun grabbed his own hair. "Tell me this is a dream..."

"It's a dream," Chanyeol laughed, Sehun palming at his face.

"Chanyeol, he wants the truth, not what he wants to hear. Look, your new at this people thing," he said as he turned to Baekhyun. "Baekhyun, my pup last night turned into a six foot boy who is some how older than us, happy?" Baekhyun nodded, still unsure about what was going on. "Great, you wouldn't mind if he tags along, would you."

"I mean, we were going to bring him anyways to buy him stuff from the pet store but-"

"Wait!" Chanyeol inturupted holding out his hands. "Your saying they have stores, just for pets!?" Baekhyun and Sehun nodded.

"But Chanyeol you don't need dog toys, your human." Sehun said and Chanyeol stomped his foot. Out of nowhere Chanyeol became once more a tiny pup. He gave both of them the puppy eyes, causing both Baekhyun' and Sehun's heart to melt. "F-Fine," Sehun grunted in defeat, puppy Chanyeol wagging his tail and hopping around with glee. Baekhyun picked up Chanyeol.

"He's so cute! Human or puppy, he's adorable!" Baekhyun giggled, playing with Chanyeol's ears. Sehun got irritated and took Chanyeol from Baekhyun.

"Come on, let's go," He smiled, opening the door for his friend. Once Baekhyun left the house Sehun lifted one of Chanyeol's big, floppy ears. "Your mine," He whispered before shutting the door and entering the car alongside Baekhyun.


The ride wasn't that long, and Chanyeol enjoyed laying on Sehun's lap the whole ride. The strokes of Sehun scratching his neck soothing, the comfort he provided making Chanyeol never want to get up. Baekhyun rolled the car into an empty slot in the busy parking lot, car after car the parking lot was packed tight. The even bigger mall towering over them, Chanyeol started to wag his tail at the sight of the super store full of anything a pet could desire.

Sehun opened the passenger door and put Chanyeol onto the ground, clicking a leash to his collar. Sehun could tell Chanyeol wasn't happy, but Sehun laughed. "Your a puppy right now so you need a leash buddy." Baekhyun smiled at the two.

"Ready?" He asked, Sehun nodding in reply. Together they walked up to the sidewalk, Chanyeol strutting infront of the pair as if he were some kind of model. They entered the building, Chanyeol in awe at the endless rows of stuff. Before he could take off to run, however, Sehun grabbed a hold of him and placed him in the cart Baekhyun went to get. Chanyeol pouted.

"Sorry buddy, your just a pet at the moment." Chanyeol whined. "I have to treat you as such," Sehun said firmly, Chanyeol barking a soft cry. "Sorry, don't worry though. We'll buy you whatever." Chanyeol put his front paws on the rim of the cart and wagged his tail. "Good boy," Sehun praised before returning to Baekhyun's side and taking off down the rows of toys, treats, and devices that spelt trouble.


"$119," The clerk lady said, Sehun sighing as he went to reach for his wallet. The lady peered oved at the cart filled with dog products when she noticed the golden pup in the cart. She ran over to get a better look. "Aww... Is- Is everything for this pup?" Sehun looked up from his wallet and nodded. "I-I know I'm not supposed to give out discounts but..."


Baekhyun and Sehun walked, bags in each hand down the hallways full of even more stores filled with treasures. Chanyeol knew that as a puppy he couldn't enjoy any of this so he tugged at the leash as hard as he could. He broke it and took off running into the boys bathroom, Baekhyun ans Sehun running after him. They entered to see Chanyeol fixing his hair in the mirror.

"Sorry, but I got excited," He apologized, walking out of the bathroom with the pair.

"It's okay," Baekhyun voiced, smiling. "Well, since it's your first time at a mall..." Hs glanced at Sehun. "Why don't you pick where we go next?"

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