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Our manger came in after dance practice, and claimed that our debut album was growing a lot of popularity. Apparently, the album had even started to drift into the United States.

"Seriously?" Hoseok asks, astonished at the news.

Our manager nods, "Yes. Betas and omegas can't get enough of you alphas," he says, "and a lot of alphas have been looking up Taehyung because they have seen the pictures," he adds, giving a big smile.

"Only me?" I question, pointing to my chest.

He nods, "Well, mostly you. They want to know who the pretty omega is."

My cheeks heat up, and I have to look somewhere else. People really think I'm that pretty? I didn't know that people would like me this much!

"Wow," Namjoon mumbles, his lips turning upward.

"So this means we need to release your first music video soon to keep everyone happy," he says, "We will start shooting tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Jimin asks, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Yes, so get a good rest so you can preform good tomorrow," he says before he leaves the room.

"Well," Jungkook sighed, getting his laptop out his bag and sitting against the wall, "I'm going to post the dance video."

I lay down, trying to cool off my clammy body. After getting worked up, it seemed to take a while for me to cool down.

"How are you still sweaty?" Yoongi asks as he crouches next to me, looking down at my face.

I groan and close my eyes, "I can't help it. I tend to be either cold or hot most of the times."

He hums. "Must be an omega thing."

"It is. I heard you guys don't get cold," I say, looking up at him.

I open my eyes to watch Yoongi shrug. He walks away leaving me to lay alone.

"It's posted!" Jungkook claims. He clicks something and gasps, "Wow!"

"What?" Namjoon asks. I could hear him getting up and moving closer to Jungkook.

"It just posted and already has hundred views!"

It was cute hearing him get so excited. The other guys made sounds of amazement, and it was all just very adorable.

I was too deep in my thoughts that I jump when I feel wind being blown on my body. I snap my eyes open and see Yoongi walking away from a fan pointing my way.


The next day, we all got up early to go to the music video shooting. I took a quick shower and put on some sweats, knowing they have outfits for me.

We all tiredly climb out the van. They usher us into the dressing rooms. A lady grabs my arm and drags me to a sink, and starts to brush my hair. I see her pick up some scissors, and I turn around, "I don't want my hair cut."

She grabs my body and pushes me back into the chair, "This isn't your choice. It's for the video, and we are also dyeing your hair blond," she claims before she tells me to be still.

I pout until she's finished with everything, handing me a sparky outfit and pushing me into a private space. I huff at her roughness, finding it a little rude.

I quickly change and walk out. The jeans where skin tight, and the black sparkly jacket was surprisingly light on my frame. I follow the alphas scent into the makeup room seeing most of them being done with their appearances.

"Wow, Taehyungie!" Hoseok gasps, his eyes traveling down my body. I blush, getting startled when I'm pushed into a chair.

"Why did you change your chair color?" Jin asks, coming over to sit on the counter next to me.

Hands start to put makeup on my face, making me unable to look at Jin in the eyes.

"It's wasn't my choice," I mumble, someone arm blocking my mouth.

"Ohh," he replies.

After people are done forcing me to be still, we get shown the set. It was beautiful, and wondered over to a statue, delicately touching the stone when I'm suddenly being dragged by the arm. It's the mean lady.

I let out a surprised gasp when she pushes me next to my bandmates. I rub my arm and frown. I wish she didn't hold me so tight.

I look over to see Namjoon staring at the lady with furrowed eyebrows, his gaze then meeting mine.

"Okay, the first shot will be of everyone walking into the museum. I want you guys to just look around and pretend the camera isn't on you. Jin, you will be staring at the painting."

Everyone follows the directors orders. I walk next to Hoseok who had been given a prop to use. Hoseok whispers funny things, making me smile at him as we wait for the director to tell us to stop acting.

"Taehyung!" The director yells, making me jump, "it's your solo scene."

"Now? But-"

"Taehyung," the director says in a more demanding voice, his alpha command coming through. I immediately stop and walk over to him.

"We can't come watch?" Jungkook asks as I get lead through the staff.

"Yeah! And don't use your alpha voice, that's rude!" Jin says louder as I get lead out of their sight.

The director grumbles and calls for two girls to come over. One carries a robe and the other carries a big box.

"Do the makeup. I need to handle the other scenes real quick."

The two beta girls give Taehyung a small smile and open their makeup box.

"Okay, Taehyung. Time to undress."


This is.... I don't like first POV WHY DID I DO IT LIKE THISNSUABAI

 omega \\ taehyung X btsWhere stories live. Discover now