Chapter 2

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Two-Bit P.O.V.

I glanced over at the kid and frowned. His gaze was directed toward nothing, lost in a fake reality. I snapped my fingers in front of his face.

"Ponyboy?!" I snapped once more. He jumped out of his gaze and shook his head lightly. "Alright mister daydreamer, we best get goin' if 'ya don't wanna be late." I turned back waiting for a response of some sort, or even a snicker. 

Ponyboy remained on his chair looking dull and unwanted. A single tear rolled down his cheek. "Hey now Pony, it'll be alright," I said in an attempt to be comforting. I hated to see Pony so broken over the last few weeks and I don't know how to fix him.

Normally when there's silence in the room 'ya crack a joke, or when a paper rips you tape it, but this just ain't the same. There's no remedy for a broken heart that I know of. I felt the weight of Ponyboy collapse against my side, quiet sobs muffled in my sleeve. 

I ruffled his hair and for the first time in my life I whispered. "Pony buddy, nothin' about life is your fault.

 'Ya can't change a thing about the past no matter how hard 'ya wish 'ya could. The only thing you can control is your future, so make it right.

 The game of life 'ain't easy. They'll be winners and losers, ups and downs. But in the end the sun will always rise in the beginning and set in the end." I said comfortingly. 

And for the first time in forever I could say that with confidence. 

It seemed to do the trick for Pony and I was secretly really proud of what I said. Sure the kid didn't have a clue about Mickey-Mouse and early morning booze, but he was a keeper. There was somethin' real shiny in the bottom of that kid and I swear imma find it before the day I die.

I knew Pony didn't enjoy school as much without Johnny, but he needed to stay in if he didn't want to be a held back student like me. 

At eighteen I could be in college or at least my senior year, but honestly I'm pretty savvy with where I am right now. It's not everyday 'ya get to be the top dog.

I watched as Pony packed up his bag and books. I never really knew what that kid saw in books. To me it was just a bunch of boring nonsense, but he seemed to enjoy them. 

I was never real good at time, but I could tell that we should probably be leavin'.  "Pony let's go," I said, exiting before another problem could happen. Not that Pony was ever a problem, but I just don't do that sentimental stuff. 

Pony seemed kinda down on himself so I turned on the radio. Elvis' voice filled the car and I tapped on the dashboard and sang along. This usually got a positive response with the kid, but today he just sat there lookin' like stone. 

"Heya Pone, what's up buddy?" I asked. The kid was honestly like a little brother to me and I wanted to know what's got him so stressed out. 

"Earth to Pony!" I said waving my hand in front of his face. "Lay off Two-bit I hear 'ya, I hear 'ya." "Look Pony, I'm no Harvard genius, but I can tell when somethin's up. You dig?" I said. "I'm fine Two-Bit, I'd tell 'ya if I wasn't. You dig? I asked with a joking smile. 

"I dig," I said with a smile. Maybe he really wasn't so bad off. He's in good hands and after all, I am no Harvard geek. 

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