Chapter 10

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Darry P.O.V.

I was sitting in my chair reading over the paper when the front door burst open. 

An upset looking Ponyboy marched right past my chair and to his room.

I heard the door slam and I set my paper down.

"Ponyboy Michael Curtis! You get over here right now!" I said loud enough so he would hear. 

When I got no response I went over to his and Soda's bedroom to find the door locked.

I knocked at the door and sighed. "Ponyboy please open your door," I said trying a calmer approach to the situation. 

I was responded to with complete silence.

"Pony please!" I sighed, aggravation and tiredness taking over my patience level.

"Don't bother, he had a nightmare in the car so we decided to let him take a chill for a little bit," Soda said walking in with Two-Bit and Steve close behind. 

I nodded and walked away from the door, grabbing the newspaper I had and threw it on the table.

"Alright well I'm heading in now. Soda's in charge of dinner for tonight," I said tiredly.

Two-Bit and Steve groaned. 

"You got a better idea?" Darry asked. 

"Hey! What's wrong with my cooking?" Soda asked.

"Um...nothing. It's just that..." Steve started.

"It's just that we uhh... already ate!" Two-Bit said with a big smile.

"Steve nodded in agreement.

"Well in that case I'll make us chocolate cake for dessert!" Soda said enthusiastically, reminding me of when he was little.

Mom had always let him help out with dinner and I guess that's where he got the idea that he was some master chef or something.

"That's the spirit!" I said, clapping Soda on the back and heading towards my room before I could get dragged into this.

Before I walked through the door I winked at Two-Bit and Steve. They gave me the most annoyed and pissed off faces I've ever seen, but I ignored it.

I closed my door behind me to zone out any distractions, hoping that Two-Bit would decide not to watch T.V. and keep it down some. 

"Hey Two-Bit! Mickey's on T.V.!"

No such luck.

I unlaced my biker boots and set them off to the side. I dug around until I found an old Highschool football shirt and a pair of flannel pajama pants.

Keeping my socks on I crawled into bed shutting off the light.

Finally peace and quiet I thought, closing my eyes.

A loud bang sounded from the kitchen followed by a string of curses.

Never mind. With this house, there's never peace and quiet.

And that's just how I like it.


Soda P.O.V.

Egg shells, dirty bowls, and flour covered what was once a spotless countertop.

I hummed along to the song "Pretty Woman" as I mixed the batter.

"Hey Stevie! What color should the cake be this time?" I asked.

"Anything but green!" He said, practically spitting out the last word in disgust.

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