Chapter 13

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Darry P.O.V.

The hospital let us bring Pony home a few days ago. I don't know what was going through that kid's mind the night he ran away.

These nightmares he's having seem to be getting worse and worse. I thought he was over the whole Johnny and Dally thing, but I guess not.

He acted alright, but I shoulda known he wasn't . Pony has a knack for keeping his feelings to himself.

He thinks he has to be tough like us, but he doesn't. We're all tough because we gotta be.

We grew up too fast, learned to fight to defend ourselves. Ponyboy doesn't have to be raised that way.

I don't want to be the reason Pony decides not to go to college, and if that means being his enemy than that's what I'll be.

I want him to succeed and I wish he'd just understand that! It's like he has selective hearing or something. Some things I say sink in, others go out the other ear.

It seems like all we ever do these days is worry. Worry about getting jumped left and right, worried about living paycheck to paycheck.

Other kids just worry about what outfit to wear to school, or what color car to get.

If only that was our worries, then maybe life would be better.

I wanna give the best for Soda and Pony, but I just don't know how to do it.

It's hard to raise a family, it is. I respect my parents a whole lot for that.

A year or so ago I never would've imagined raising my brothers and running a job.

A year ago I never would've imagined my brothers as broken as they are.

A year ago I never would've imagined myself becoming an adult.

It's funny what time does to you. It changes you in ways you couldn't believe until the second it happens.

I stared at the stack of bills and papers in front of me. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed.

It would take months to pay these, let alone pay for meals and things we need.

I'll have to work extra hours for the next month or so. As much as I hate it, Soda will have to step up and help more around the house.

I don't wanna make him work so much when he deserves to have fun, but we're in a really tight spot.

All of us are to be honest.

Things can only get better right? Then again that's what we thought in the beginning, but man we were wrong.

At this rate the best thing we can do is just stick together and stay outta trouble.

I'll die before I let my kid-brothers step a foot into a boys' home. 

Boys' homes are for kids that don't have someone in their life that cares, and I want them to know that's not the case for them.

It breaks my heart that my family is growing up like this, but I guess we could always be worse off. 

At least we gotta roof over our heads and each other. Not every person can say that.

Sodapop had insisted that he skip work to watch Ponyboy today, but he needed a break.

I don't need him all worked up when he deserves to relax a bit.

Last time I checked Ponyboy was asleep in his room, but last time I thought that the window was wide open and a Pony was gone.

When I reached the door I creaked it open slowly, the old hinges squeaking in protest.

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