Chapter 7

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Two-Bit P.O.V.

Mickey Mouse and beer was the only thing on my mind that morning. 

I barely noticed when quiet footsteps made their way out into the kitchen. Of course it doesn't help much when you got the volume turned up all the way.

I got up to go see who it was, or get another beer I couldn't quite remember. When I went in I saw Soda sitting in there making chocolate milk.

"What's up hotshot?" I asked, sitting down at the table with him.

"Since when do you call me that?" Soda asked with a smirk.

Since all the Tulsa woman find their way over to the DX on break," I said as I opened another case of beer.

"I haven't seen lines like that since the Great Depression," I added.

Soda laughed. "Since when do you care about the Great Depression?" He asked drinking his milk.

"Since I've been in the same history class for three years and I've run outta things to do," I said. 

He just shook his head and stuffed his mouth with chocolate cake. 

I followed in suit. That was one thing I dug  'bout the Curtis home besides the free cable and free booze.

There was always a chocolate cake in the ice box. 

 The cake strictly had to be chocolate. I remember one time Johnny had brought over a vanilla cake. A. Vanilla. Cake. Needless to say we threatened to eat him instead of that so called "cake."

That's how the kid earned the name Johnnycake. Now, we only used the nickname outta love afterwards, but man even I was scared for the kid that day.

Chocolate cake has been the only thing on the table since. No one dared to try and change that. Which was perfectly fine by me because I enjoyed my morning cake just fine.

There was an incident with Soda once though.

"Remember the one time you turned the chocolate cake green?" I asked Soda who currently has a big mouthful of cake in his mouth.

He did his best not to spit out the cake as he laughed. 

My God though, I think Steve actually almost fainted when he saw a green cake on the table. Now don't get me started with how the kid actually managed to dye the cake green. 

"Steve almost fainted on the spot!" Soda laughed.

"I think we should leave the dirty work for Superman now don't 'ya think?" I asked, propping my feet up on the table.

"Less cooking, more eating," Soda said in agreement.

"Cheers to that," I said, clinking my beer bottle against Soda's chocolate milk glass.

We both laughed which caused Soda's chair to tip over, which again made us start up laughing again.

Watching Soda was almost better than watching a cartoon.

Just then a half awake looking Pony walked into the kitchen. He first looked to a laughing Soda on the floor, then to me. 

"Why you guys gotta be so loud?" He asked looking mildly annoyed.

"Well, well, well, it's about time Sleeping Beauty woke up. Was Prince Charming running a little late?" I asked.

Soda burst out laughing. "Are you high?" Pony asked him.

"On chocolate milk," I answered, which caused us both to burst out laughing again. Pony just rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. 

"Awe, come on now Pone! You didn't even have any cake yet!" Soda said leaping up. 

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