Chapter One

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                I blow the steam off my hot chocolate and slide down the wall of Taki’s, sitting cross legged on the sidewalk next to the entrance. The cold, February wind whooshes down the street, sending a chill through my sweater. I like the cold, and don’t really mind freezing half to death on a New York street. It’s a nice break from constant training. Unfortunately, I’m disturbed from my peace when the door opens a person slides down next to me.

“Hey Micheal.” I say, taking a sip of my drink. This thing’s warming up my soul, and it’s the one mundane creation I thoroughly enjoy.

“Yo, Zia.” Replies the guy next to me, Micheal. He’s a Herondale, the son of Clary and Jace Herondale. He’s seriously got a huge legacy to live up to, but then again everyone in the New York Institute does.

Micheal turns to look at me, and I can’t help but melt a little. He’s got green eyes, and a lame mundane (pun intended) t-shirt on, with black jeans. A Taki’s hat covers his wild auburn hair, and puts a shadow over his smiling face.

“Are you on break?” I ask, knowing that he works a Taki’s. When Uncle Jace found out, he nearly flipped a table.

“TAKI’S?!” He had exclaimed, slamming his hands down on the table. “TAKI”S? Take some pride son! You’re a Herondale! You have my amazing fighter genes and charming good looks, and you work at TAKI’S?” Uncle Jace could never seem to compliment himself enough. It was like he was his own little motivator, and constant ego booster.

Micheal had countered just as strongly. “I’ll get to be a normal teenager for once! I can get to do normal people things.”

Jace had given him an incredulous look. “Normal teenager stuff is selling blood slushies to vampires and meat to werewolves? The times have changed.”

Micheal sighed. “You know what I mean, Dad. It’s either that or getting drunk at some Downworlder bar and then getting arrested.”

Jace nodded with approval. “That’s what I did.”


“FINE! FINE. Go work at Taki’s. Don’t come crying to me when the Clave show’s up and takes away your shadowhunterdom. I’m not going to help you.”

Through this entire conversation, I had been laughing in the corner, watching an exasperated Micheal argue with his egotistic dad. It was the highlight of the week.

“Yeah, on my break. I swear, everyone here’s insane.” Micheal says, snapping me back to attention. “Some guy ordered a BLOOD SMOOTHIE. A. BLOOD. SMOOTHIE.”

I shrugged. “He was probably a vampire – “

“BLOOD SMOOTHIE. How do I make a blood smoothie?”

“I dunno. It can’t be that hard. “

“Easy for you to say. It was so embarrassing asking Laura. I was like ‘How do you make a blood smoothie?’ and she gave me a look like piss off.” He said, waving his arms for affect.

I smiled into my cup. Micheal was, to say the least, headstrong and indecisive. Animated, too. He’d make a decision, like joining Taki’s, then quit half way through.   

"At least you have a normal shadow hunter name." He continues, not noticing I didn't reply to his first comment. "We had a Bloodstick in today. Who makes their family name Bloodstick?" 

I grinned. "I was reading the Codex the other day, and I would've chosen Ravennight." 

Micheal gives me a look. "Ravennight. That's terrible. Might as well name yourself Bloodstick. At least that's comedic." 

Someone taps my shoulder. I look over to see a young man, maybe mid 20ties, staring down at me.

“Um, yes?” I ask, feeling Micheal tense next to me.

The man smiles. He has a toothy, satanic grin, and pitch black eyes.

“Hello, sweetie. Come with me for a minute?” He asks, hauling me onto my feet. I recoil, pulling back my arm.

“Who are you?” Demands Micheal, standing up and stepping in front of me and stretching an arm in front of me as if to protect me. Right. Like I need protecting.

The creepy man smiles at Micheal. “I’m an interested party. I’d like to talk to that girl, sir. I mean no harm.” He waves a hand in my direction.

Micheal glowers at the man. Demon. I know it, I can feel it, I can feel the pre battle rush in my veins. I want to pull out my seraph blades out and plunge them into his chest; put all my training into work.

But that’s a stupid move. I could be wrong; he could be a Downworlder, and he might have useful information. Ever since Sebastian Morgenstern messed with the connection between Hell, the Faerie world and the Mortal world, the dimensions have been out of order. It’s easier for demons to travel between dimensions, and leave a path of destruction and a trail of murder.  The Faerie’s are probably assisting them, but without solid evidence the Clave’s stuck.

Micheal shakes his head. “You talk to her, you talk to me.” He demands, straightening up. He looks older this way, confident in his useless Taki’s hat. The demon guy sneers.

“Shadowhunters. Useless. Your pride will end you. “He spat. “I speak to the girl. I’ll kill you if I have to.”

A slow, sly grin lights up Micheal’s face. “Bring it on.”

And that’s when I step into action. I reach down into my boot and pull out two seraph blades, tossing one to Micheal.

Malik!” I yell, feeling the electric buzz of power light up the blade. The demon glares at me, pulling out a dark sword and charging forward.  I run towards the side and narrowly miss getting tackled into, and throw my blade at the creature. It misses, barely scratching the side, but that’s enough. It’s enough heavenly fire for the creature to lose its humanoid form, to turn into its true disgusting self.

The man’s arms and legs started to fade, melt even, into a blob. He drops the sword, which disintegrates as soon as it reaches the concrete of the sidewalk.  The main body loses all color, turning into a pitch black core with a green substance around it. Somehow, the creature managed to keep its teeth, baring them at us.

“Eidolon.” I hear Micheal whisper. I nod.

This transformation only makes him more powerful.  Micheal charges forward and tries to plunge his blade into the goo, while I grab my blade from the sidewalk. The blob narrowly misses Micheal’s jab, and I plunge my knife into its side.

The demon howls, rolling and trying to pull the blade out. And that’s when an arrow comes out of nowhere and goes straight through the creature’s heart. A larger howl then before, a petrifying scream erupts from the blob’s throat, making a gurgling sound.

I whip around to see a grinning Shadowhunter, clad in black gear perched on the roof of Taki’s.

“Uncle Alec!” I scream, grinning up at my favorite family member. For some reason, Alec and I’ve been close for years. The monster disintegrates, leaving a pile of ashes.

Alec jumps down, landing in a crouch. He gets up and I crash into him, hugging the crap out of him. He chuckles.

“Hey Zia.” He smiles and looks down at me.

“You have glitter in your hair.” I say, and reach up to brush it off. Ever since Alec and Magnus got married, Uncle Alec always has a Magnus-y feel to him. It’s wonderful.

He smiles. “I know. Hey, Micheal!” Micheal grins and walks over.

“Hey, Uncle Alec.” He says, giving him a one armed hug. “That was a Du’sien. A shape shifter Eidolon.”

Alec nods. “I know. We better get going – we have to discuss this with Clary.”

And with that, the three of us make our way home.





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