Chapter 3

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    Jordan POV 

        In my eyes, shadowhunters are more angel than human, and the brightness and love of an angel shines through them like it's dying to escape. Their unwavering courage and will to fight for the morally right brings out their worst, often turning their light into a darkness, like when Lucifer reached towards the depths of hell to achieve what he thought was moral. The pathway to heaven is paved with good intentions, and that mirrors the fact that shadowhunters are broken. Beautiful, broken angels, but angels nonetheless. To me, shadowhunters can never be equal parts human and angel, they have to be on either side. 

Aria is an angel. A dark one maybe, but you can see her loyalty in her eyes, and she always talks like she means it. As I watch her walk down the street towards me, I see her loyalty shining through. As she pulls open the gates of our secluded park area, I smile and pat the grass next to me. 

We have a secret agreement to meet her in this park, a small grassy area covered in tree that mundanes steer away from. It's nice and quiet, just the way I like it. 

Aria jogs over and settles down next to me, pulling a tuft of grass from the ground and playing with it in her fingers. Her expression's guarded, as if she's trying to hide something. 

"Hey." I say, nudging her shoulder. She looks at me and smiles. 

"Hey, Jordan." 

Oh god. This sunlight does miracle's for her face. No no no. 

She hesitates for a second. "So I have to go somewhere." She says, leaning back and lying down on the grass. 

"Where?" I ask, turning to face her. She shrugs. 

"Alicante. For about a week."  She's not telling me something. I know it. I reach over and take her hand, the one that isn't gripping grass. 

"Thats not a big deal." I reply, playing with her fingers. They're long and narrow, and completely warm. 

"Yeah ....." She says, sitting back up. "Its not where I'm going, its why." 

I look at her, baffled. What's bothering her so much? And why is she scared to tell me? Shadowhunter business doesn't affect downworlders like me, they're to stuck up to accept our help and inclusion. 

"So why are you going?" 

"It's Zia." She blurts, looking at me. I stiffen. 

"Zia?" I ask, narrowing my eyes. I hate Zia, probably more then I hate anything in the world. 

She nods. "The Clave sent a letter, asking for her to come to Alicante and they forbade any immediate family members come along. I'm not immediate family, and niether is Micheal. So we're going with her." 

I look down at the grass for a while, not entirely sure what to say. I KNOW that Zia is Aria's parabatai, and that I can't do anything to stop her from going, but I don't really fancy the idea of Aria skipping of to Alicante to be her usual reckless self. In my opnion, I'm glad that the Clave found out about Zia's secret. She DESERVES to be punished. 

"Okay." I finally mumble. "I think ZIa should get what she deserves, but okay." 

Aria gapes at me for a second, and then snatches her hand out of mine. 

"What?" She asks, her walls building up around her. I can see I stepped to far. 

"Nothing I -" I begin, but it's to late. Aria's already on her feet. 

"You filthy werewolf." She spats, pulling open the gates. "I knew your fued would end this. I knew it. Werewolves and vampires, and their stupid fights." 

I glare at her. "What about Kyle? I can blame Zia for -" 

"To HELL with Kyle!" Aria yells, throwing her arms into the air. "He's dead." 

"He's undead." I growl, feeling my claws began to come out of my hands, and the fur beginning to grow from my skin. Aria stares at me, unwavered. Ofcourse. She's trained to fight beasts like me. 

"I don't care." She huffs, marching out and slamming the gates behind her. 
"Don't expect any letters!" She shouts over her shoulder. "Or any communication at all." 

I watch her receding form, and sigh. Even when she's angry, she still looks like an angel. 


Sorry its short and crappy okay  

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