Chapter 4

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Zia POV 

        I go over my plan as I push open the heavy wooden doors of the weapons room. Micheal, Aria and I decided to split up and rendezvous in M's room, and then go to Magnus for a portal. Aria went to tell Jordan where she's going, Micheal went to gather our stuff, and I decided to steel my nerves and tell my parents what I'm about to do. Clary offered to tell them for me, but I decided that it was only right I told them, my dad would blame himself anyway. 

        The annoying, loud creaking sound of the door causes my Dad to stop what he's doing, and look over to smile at me. My father stands amid towers and towers of boxes, filled with stele's shipped to him from the Iron Sisters. The wall displays an array of seraph blades, giving that portion of the wall an angelic glow. SImon Nightshade, formerly Simon Lewis, hasn't changed much over the years, or at least thats what Mom tells me. His hair is still that insane brown curly mop, hi seyes still that soft, comforting auburn. His terrible taste in tshirts is almost as bad as Micheal's, and often displays a random mundane concept. His thin, wiry frame DID become stronger and more well built, but dad's still as skinny as it gets. 

"Zia." He smiles, waving a hand in greting. "Hey." He grins. "Alec told me about that Demon. Nice job fighting him." 

I shrug. "Uncle Alec did everything before I could." I pause. "So uh... what are you doing?" 

A sour expression forms on my dad's face. "Something that the blonde brat Jace should be doing. But nooooooooo." He glares at the wall in front of him, and I can't help but laugh. He hates Jace so much, but he loves him to and its hilarious to see them next to each other. 

I snort. "Yeah, he's pretty lazy. But, I have to tell you something. " I say, hesitily struggling through the last part. My dad nods and takes a seat on one of the boxes. 

"GO." He says. I nod, ignoring the raging anxiety build9ing up inside my chest. 

"So I got a letter from the Clave -" I begin, and can already see the lines and creases of tension form on Dad's forehead. His face looks pale and sunken. 

"- and it told me to come to Alicante immediatly. You can't come, no imediat family member can. I'm not sure WHY, i really hope it isn't about the thing, but I have to go. Micheal and Aria are coming with me." 

My dad sighs and leans back, resting on the wall. He stays like that for a while, and i watch his talk slow breaths. 

"Okay." He finally says, sitting back up and nodding. "I know it's my fault this is happening, and Zia, I am so sorry. I'm going to be sorry for the rest of my life. Please stay safe. I'm sprry I can't do anything." He looks truly sad, like he can't believe he's saying this. 

"Dad ... ' I say, reaching over to hug him. "It is in NO way your fault. Trust me, I'll be fine." He hugs me back. 

"Please stay safe Zia. And if anything goes wrong, contact us. I don't give a single shit abou tthe law, I will show up there to hurt someone" He says, squeezing hard. I can feel the blood pumping in him, the shadowhunter angel blood. 

We stay like that a while, until I finally pull. Never, ever have I felt closer to my father.

Bye." I say, and turn to leave. As I close the door behind me, I can feel my fangs come out and pierce my lip.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2014 ⏰

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