Part 2

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Jakes POV
We all pile out of the team ten van at some fancy restaurant. A waitress comes and greets us and takes us to a table for 8. We get our menus and begin arguing about what looks best. The waiter comes and takes our orders. Once we finish ordering I get up and head to the bathroom.

I walk in and see one of the people I really didn't want to see. Logan stood at the sink washing his hands. I turned around to leave when I hear him say Jake. I look at him and he say Jake why haven't you returned any of my texts or calls. I look at him and say because you helped my parents keep that secret for so long. He then grabs my shoulder so I couldn't leave and whispered I swear to you I didn't know anything about it.

Should I believe him or not. I say whatever and then leave to go hang with my friends. I get back and sit down. They all look at me strangely. I ask them what's up but they all answer nothing. Our food has just arrived when I get a text from Logan saying I'm coming over later to explain. I go back to eating and talking with my friends.

We finish up our food and Kade and Nathan pay for it all saying it was there idea so it's their treat. We exit the restaurant laughing and having fun. We all pile into the van and Nick is driving. After a short drive we are back at our house. We all head inside and I take out my vlog camera as I need to film a video for today.

I grab Nathan and he films while I run around the house acting all hyper and annoying other members of the team. After a few hours I have enough footage so I get Nathan to turn off the camera and he goes to edit the footage. I leave Nathan and head for my room.

I shut and lock my bedroom door than head into the bathroom. I grab my razor and sit down up against the cabinet. I slice away at my arms enjoying the all to familiar feeling of the blood coming from my arms. I wash off the razor and hide it in the cabinet. I wash off my arms washing away the blood.

I remember about Logan coming over so I put on some jeans and a T shirt. I put makeup on my cuts on my arms so I can take my hoodie off and he won't see anything. I put on one of my merch hoodies. As I finish getting changed I get a text from Logan saying he's a few minuets away.

I text security to let Logan in and then make sure all my makeup is hidden in the bathroom and it's not noticeable on my arms. I get a text from Logan saying he's here. I rush downstairs and open up my front door. I wait for Logan to get out of his car and then I walk over to him and he immediately hugs me. I laugh at him. I tell him to follow me. We head to the pool area and I put my feet in the water. He soon does the same.

He keeps telling me he didn't know anything about me being adopted because if he did he would have told me straight away. I laugh at him and tell him that it's ok and that I believe him. I'm angry at parents because they waited 22 years before they told me. Logan asks if I'm ok and I tell him yes but think in my head no I'm hurting inside.

Logan gets a text from his manager saying he needs to call him. He says he needs to leave anyway. He gives me a hug and he tells me I can come over when ever I want. I tell him he's welcome to do the same and with that he waves goodbye and leaves.

I go inside but around ten minuets later I hear the doorbell ring. I go and answer it to see Logan. He grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs. He pulls me into the bathroom. I ask him what he's doing but he just ignores me. He turns on the tap and puts my arms under it. I gently rubs my arms. I flinch as he keeps touching my cuts. Every time he touches my arms he apologizes but keeps scrubbing them.

I begin to realize that he is washing the makeup off my arms to reveal my cuts. He turns the tap off and grabs a towel. He dries my arms and then pulls me out of the bathroom. He looks concerned and asks why. I don't answer. He then asks why do you do this to yourself Jake.

I ignore him and begin to walk away. He then repeats himself and asks why do you do this to yourself. I yell LOGAN IM HURTING BUT YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND ALL OF MY PAIN SO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE. With that I run out of the room and then into the garage. I get in blood shark my tesla and leave my property.

I drive around until I find a park. I get out of the car and go sit on a bench by a pond. I watch the sun set and reflect on the ground creating a beautiful scene. I begin running around the park. As I run I feel myself beginning to calm down. I just run where my feet take me.

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