Part 9

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Logan's POV
As I walked toward Jakes hospital room I got more and more worried with every step I took. I think Chance saw because he asked if I was ok. I nodded and just kept my mind on Jake. He was ok, hopefully. We reached his room and a doctor walked over. He informed me that Jake had to get stitches in his head. He also told me how he had 2 broken ribs and a broken ankle. He then concluded by saying he doesn't know how long it would be until he woke up.

Chance and Anthony let me go in by myself for a few minutes. I go into the room and see Jake laying on the hospital bed. Despite all his injuries he looked to be peacefully sleeping. He had a boot on his foot. You could see his brace that was on his arm. The cut on his head was quite noticeable and would probably leave a scar. I should have taken more care of him. He's the most important person In my life and he's laying in a hospital bed.

The tears that have been streaming down my face all afternoon threaten to fall again. I put my head in my hands embarrassed to let Jakes friends see me cry. I bring my knees to my chest and let the tears silently fall. Chance and Anthony walk in they talk to Jake for a bit then leave. I hear as everyone else walks in and out. I don't lift my head from my hands.

I still have my face in my hand and my knees tucked into my chest when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Brendan is standing their with a bag in his hand. He holds it out to me and I take it and look inside it. There's a pizza box two drinks and something wrapped in aluminum foil which I assume is garlic bread. I thank Brendan and he smiles then walks out of the room leaving me alone with the unconscious Jake once again.

Nathan's POV
I couldn't sleep. One of my best friends was in hospital, and not waking up as of yet. I wanted to give Logan his space but I needed to see him again. It was about one in the morning when I walked to Jakes hospital room. I walk in the room to see Logan restlessly pacing the room. There was a pizza box and a half drunk Pepsi can on a small table.

I knew he wasn't awake but I guess I just had hope of him waking up sometime soon. Logan leaves the room telling me he has to go and get something. I'm now alone with Jake. I walk up to the side of the bed and start talking even though I know Jake can't hear me. I say Jake please wake up, you mean so much to everyone and Logan has bearly left your side, only leaving now to give me some space. We really need you to just wake up.

I sat down in a chair across from Jake. I watched as the line on the monitor would go up and down. The room was silent besides the regular beep from the monitor. I took out my phone and took a photo just incase Jake wanted one for his vlog at a later date. I stayed in the room for a few more minuets just watching Jake and hoping he'll wake up.

I left the room and saw Logan leaning against the wall next to the door to Jakes room. He was beginning to cry again while looking down at his phone. I thanked him and then told him to stop blaming himself it wasn't his fault. He looked at me then sighed before running a hand through his blood stained hair. He then walked back into Jakes room.

I walk back to the waiting room and look around to see Nick has left. I can't help but blame Nick for everything his boyfriend did. Who knows he could have been in on it two. Erika, Andy and Brendan has also left. Chad was asleep on a chair. Chance and Anthony were whispering and Kade was on his phone. I guess we were the no sleep crew.

I lifted my sleeve to wipe away all the tears that were falling and have fallen. I can't help but cry it hurt me to see Jake like that. With all that's happened I didn't post today's video actually yesterday's because it's now 4am. I scroll through the comments in Jakes latest Instagram post. All the recent comment have been about Jake not posting. A few were hate but not many. I scroll through more comments. Once I get past all the comments about how Jake didn't post I reach ones that are all praise with a few hate comments coming up here and there.

I look on YouTube and find a video that's titled Jake Paul Conspiracy Theories. I smile wondering what they are going to say. I watch through the video. The person says many theories. Some included he was abducted by aliens, everyone left team 10, he quit YouTube, he went to Australia and the Internet was so bad the video couldn't upload and then at the end the girl talking says or maybe he is just taking some time off. I smile at the video dang some people are stupid.

I handed my phone to Kade and told him to watch the video. As he watched I thought about what we should say because we kind of need to explain. Kade handed my phone back and whispered that was funny. I nodded and asked what we should do about it. He told me to just put something on Jakes Instagram saying he's taking a break. He told me to just upload a random photo of Jake.

I was the only one who had Jakes account. I look through the photos on my phone. I find a good photo to post. It's a photo I took of Jake while he was being an idiot on the roof. He was in the air and behind him was the view of La. I post the photo and caption it, Im taking a break. I don't really know what else to write.

The photos been up for like two minuets and it's only 6am yet it already has hundreds of comments and likes. I go through the comments and there's many love hearts. People are saying come back soon and we understand but there's also people saying tell us why.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2018 ⏰

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