Part 7

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Jakes POV
They ask me what happened with Mitch an I  tell them I kissed him. They say that's not what happened what really happened. I give in and tell them he kissed me. They ask if that's it, I say no and whisper he raped me. They look shocked. I don't think they were expecting me to say that.

Kade says we have to tell the authorities. I tell them no he said he would kill me if I ever told anyone. They look concerned about me. Kade says fine but at least tell me how long it's been going on for. Nick has been dating Mitchell for 5 months so that means it's been going on for 4 months. I hold up 4 fingers and Chance says days or weeks. I shake my head and say no months. Everyone mouths drop.

They all come and give me a hug. Then Chance shouts, let's watch movies. I shake my head and say actually can you teach me how to play fortnite. They smile and say thought you would never ask. We all laugh. Kade informs us he has to leave as him and Nathan are meeting their mum. We wish him good luck.

After playing fortnite for like two hours I'm done and say let's finish up. We finish up and start pranking each other when Anthony gets a text. He screams shit. He then says Chance we have that fanjoy meeting in 20 minutes. They both say sorry Jake we got to go. I say it's fine and they go leave for their meeting.

I go into the office and sit down. No one else is in there. I start replying to some emails when I hear a door slam. I tun around and there is Mitchell looking pissed. He screams you told you bitch. He starts punching and hitting me. He pushes me off my chair and I hit my head on my desk. He kicks me as I lie on the ground in pain. He continues to kick me. I roll into a ball but it doesn't help. He screams insults at me and continues to beat me as I fall out of consciousness. The last thing I see is Mitchell leaving the room.

Logan's POV
I go over to Jakes as I left my hat and charger there. Security let me in and I ring his doorbell. No one answers it so I'm guessing no ones home. I take out the key Jake gave me and opened his front door. I walk upstairs and see Nicks boyfriend, Mitch I think his name is come out of a room which I believe is the study. He looked shady so once he was out of sight I entered. What I saw killed me on the inside. Jake is laying on the ground and there is blood all around him. The carpet has been stained red and you can see blood all over him. His head is bleeding and he won't respond. I check for a pulse and it's faint but it's there.

I immediately call 911. I screamed into the phone I need an ambulance and police my brothers head is bleeding and he's unconscious. The person asks for the address and I give it to them. The person on the other side then tells me to check for other injuries.  I lift up his shirt and what I see makes me drop the phone. His body is covered in bruises and cuts. How did this happen. Wow I suck at keeping him safe. I've failed as an older brother. I take off my hoodie and put it up against the cut on his head to try and stop the bleeding.

They ambulance arrives with the cops. Paramedics rush upstairs and get him on a stretcher then take him to the ambulance. The cops tell me I will have to answer some questions and that they'll take me to the hospital. I'm so scared for Jake and I think the cops can tell. They ask how I was related to the victim. I tell them he's my brother. They ask if I knew who did it. I tell them I saw someone exiting the room just before I went in. They asked if I knew the person. I told them I'm pretty sure it was one of my brothers friend boyfriend. They asked whose boyfriend and I told the Nick Crompton. They looked satisfied and called someone to take me to the hospital.

Some lady came and told me to come with her. She introduced herself as Claire. She told me to calm down a little. I tried but I was to worried about Jake to calm down. My hands were still covered with his blood as well as every other part of my body. My hoodie was left back in Jakes house and was soaked in blood. I took out my phone and texted Chance and Anthony that Jake was at the hospital. I told them which hospital and then texted Brendan asking if he could bring a change of clothes to the hospital. I sent him the address.

Claire took me in and walked up to the desk she asked something and then called me up. She said his name is Jake right. I nodded and the woman on the desk told me he was in sugary right now. I ask how long will he be in surgery but she told me she had no idea. She took me to a private waiting room and said she would send everyone that comes for Jake into this room. I pace the room impatiently waiting for news of Jake. I grab out my phone to pass the time buts it's covered in blood. I can't even look at it without seeing the image of Jake in my mind. I put it on a chair. Soon Anthony and Chance enter.

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