Part 8

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Anthony's POV
Me and Chance are talking with our manager when my phone vibrates. I check my phone to see a message from Logan.
L: I'm at La Royal Hospital, You need to come now Jakes hurt.
I turn to Chance and my manager. I apologize to my manager and say that me and Chance need to leave right away. He asks what's wrong and I tell him I'll send him an email later explaining. I pull Chance out of the room and he asks what's wrong. Just then his phone dings and I'm guessing it the same message. We call an uber because we aren't in the state to drive. I copied Logan's message to me and sent it to the team 10 group chat.

The uber drops us off out front of the hospital. We thank the driver than run into the hospital. We run up to reception and ask for Jake Paul. A nurse comes and takes us to a private waiting room. We walk in to see Logan pacing the room with tears streaming down his face. His clothes have blood all over them and so does his skin. There's blood covering his legs, arms and there's even some on his face and in his hair. He looked like he'd been crying for ages. I've never seen him cry before so it must be really bad.

We ask what happened and begins to tell the story. He starts off by saying he went over to the house because he left the charger there. No one answered the door so he let himself in. He was walking past the office when who he thinks is Nicks boyfriend came out looking real shady so he went inside. He found Jake laying on the floor. Jakes head was bleeding so he rang 911. He checked his body and that was also covered in bruises. He got taken away in an ambulance then Logan answered some questions the cops asked him then got brought here. He then told us Jakes been in surgery the whole time.

A few minuets later Kade, Brendan and Nathan got here. They walked into the room and Brendan handed the distraught Logan a bag. Logan thanked him and went into the bathroom. They all walked up to me and Chance and asked what happened and why Logan was covered in blood. We told them what Logan told us. We finished and Logan was still in the bathroom so Brendan went and checked on him.

Brendan's POV
I was editing todays vlog when I got a text from Logan

L: Brendan I'm at La Royal Hospital, Jake got hurt. Can you please bring a change of clothes for me.

I grab a random backpack from the merch store in our house. I run to Logan's room and get him 2 shirts, a pair of jeans, a pair of sweatpants, a hoodie, some boxers, a pair of socks, a pair of shorts and a random pair of shoes. I also grab my phone charger. I get in my car and drive to the hospital.

As I get out of the car I see Kade and Nathan entering so I run to catch up with them. They look worried so when we get to the reception I ask for Jake Paul so they don't have to. A nurse walks us to a private waiting room. I see Chance and Anthony sitting down looking upset and then Logan pacing the room. He had tears streaming down his face and was covered in blood. I now fully understood why he needed the change of clothes. I hand him the bag and he thanks me then heads to the bathroom.

I walk over to all the guys and Kade and Nathan ask Chance and Anthony what happened. I ask why Logan's covered in blood. They tell us how it happened and that Jakes in surgery right now. The finished telling us the story and Logan was still in the bathroom. I waited a few minuets and when he didn't come out I went to check on him. I walk in and he's changed and washed most of the blood off his legs, arms and face. He scrubbing his hair.

He turns and looks at me and says, Brendan it won't come out, no matter how hard I try my hair still has blood on it. I give him a hug and he breaks down. He sobs It's all my fault, I should have looked after him better, I've failed at being an older brother. I shake him and say look at me. Logan looks at me and I tell him Jake will be fine. I says I don't know but I hope so.

He picks up the bag and walks over to a chair. He picks up what looks like his phone and shoves it in the bag. I look around the room and see that Chad, Nick and Erika are here and talking with Chance and Anthony. Andy is also here and talking to Kade and Nathan. Logan is once again pacing the room.

After about 15 minuets a nurse enters and everyone gathers around. She speaks up and says he's out of surgery but isn't awake and you can see him now. She also says I suggest you don't all go at once. Logan say him Chance and Anthony will go first and then they will go in order of who got here first.

They walk out of the room and I tell everyone I will go get dinner for us all. I get in my car and head to a pizza shop I know near by. I walk into the small pizza shop and order 3 ham and pineapple pizzas, 2 cheese, 2 meat lovers and 1 pepperoni. I also get 3 garlic breads, 3 Pepsi, 3 sprites and 2 mountain dews.

I head back to the hospital and take in the food. I'm soon informed that Jake still isn't awake and everyone has already been in to see him and Logan's still in their. I get a pizza, a garlic bread, a Pepsi and a Sprite then head to give them to Logan. His in their crying with his head in his hands. I tap his shoulder and then hand him the food. He thanks me and I leave the room leaving him alone.

I walk back to the waiting room to see Erika, Nick, Chad all asleep on the different couches. Nathan is eating still while talking to Kade and Chance. Andy is talking to Anthony. I remember about the drinks and offer them each one. They all take one and thank me.

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