Part 5

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Jakes POV
As I walked in his smirk grew. He stood up and pushed me against the wall. He began forcibly kissing me. He pushed me onto the bed and then jumped on top of me. Soon we were both undressed and lying on the bed. He kissed me all over my body and I'm pretty sure he left marks all over me. He then raped me. By the end I was crying. He called me a pussy and got changed then started beating me for being so bad.

He walked into the bathroom and I got changed. He came back a started beating me all over again but this time harder. I was now on the ground lying there when he started kissing me again. I was scared that he would do it again today when I heard the door open. I don't think Mitchell heard it because he kept kissing me but flipped us over so I was on top. He held my wrists so tightly I couldn't escape or get up. I then heard someone stutter Jake you know he's Nicks boyfriend. I turned to look and it was Chad.

Mitchell screamed he held me down and wouldn't let me up he kissed me and I didn't want to. He left following Chad but whispered in my ear don't tell them the truth or I will kill you. I was still laying on the ground when the left in so much pain and sadness. I was about to lose all my friends because of him.

I get up and go to open my door with my left hand but when I try  a sharp pain shoots through my arm. I want to get out of this house but obviously can't drive so I call Logan to pick me up. He says he'll be here in 5 so I try to get outside without being seen. I get to the front door without being seen by anybody. I open the front door and standing there on the other side is Chad and Nick. Fuck.

Nick screams at me, your lucky he doesn't want to press charges for sexual assault because I would, you knew he was my boyfriend, I didn't expect you to do something like this Jake. This upset me I should be the one pressing charges after all he raped me. I tell him you don't know the whole story. He yells back yes I do you forcibly kissed my boyfriend. I'm pissed off now it was him that kissed me I didn't even kiss back. I scream in his face, no Nick that never happened I wouldn't do that to anyone.

I run to the front gate and see Logan waiting for me. I go to open the door but my arm starts hurting again as I accidentally did it with my left. I pretend to not be in any pain and just open it with right and get in the car. Logan asks what was that. I act innocent and ask what he's talking about. He looks at me and say the failing at opening the door. I say I was just being stupid but he doesn't look convinced. We begin to drive when Logan asked what happened. I tell him I had a fight with Nick. He yells were going to McDonalds.

He knows what I normally get so he asks the normal. I nod and he drives up to the window and orders it. We get our food and he hands me the bag and drive somewhere and parks so we can both eat. I hand him the bag. He passes me my thick shake and goes to give me my burger. I grab it with my left but immediately drop it as my arm begins to ache. He puts the food down and lifts up my left sleeve. It was bruised and swollen. It looks really bad.

Logan puts the food in the back and says we're going to a hospital. I try to protest but he says nope we're going. We reach the hospital and we go up to a desk. The lady there rudely asks us what the problem is so I pull up my sleeve and she looks like she's about to faint. She calls for someone and he soon comes and takes us through to a room. I keep my sleeve pulled up and a doctor soon walks in. He touches my arm causing pain to surge through it. He then x-rays my arm.

He comes back saying it broken in two places. I groan when he says I need surgery to fix it. I look at Logan and he assures me everything will be ok. He gives me something to reduce the swelling and then gives me anesthesia. I fall asleep on a hospital bed.

I wake up with a brace on my arm. The doctor comes in and tells me I can't take it off for six weeks and I will need to come back in 4 weeks to have a check up. He says I can leave as soon as I want. I sign the papers and walk out with Logan. It's already dark outside so Logan offers to take me home. I accept his offer. On the way back to my place he asks how I broke it. I tell him I fell over. I think he believes me.

We pull up at my place and I ask if he wants to come in. He says okay as he has no where better to be and he wants to make sure I stay safe. We walk in to see the whole of Team 10 on the couch watching a movie. I take Logan up to my room. If I'm completely honest with myself I think I might have a little crush on him. One that I definitely shouldn't have since we were brought up as brothers even though I'm adopted.

I don't normally cry but everything is getting to me so I let a few tears drop. I try not to let Logan see but he sees and pulls me into a hug. He whispers it's ok in my ear. By now the tears are streaming down my face and I am full on crying. He rubs my back and keeps telling me it's ok. I begin to fall asleep with my arms wrapped around Logan's neck.

Not ok (Team 10)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora