1: Rising Anger

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No, I didn't forget about this story. I just needed a break after writing three AOT yandere stories in a row, and then I kept putting it off for different reasons. But I finally started it up again, as you can see. Hopefully you guys aren't too angry with me :)

(Your POV)

I hate training so much, I thought, dusting off my white pants as I got up from my third fall in a row. Everyone else seems to be natural at this. How come I can't stay in the air?

"Cadet (L/n), stop playing around!" Shadis barked at me, and I winced, before giving him a salute and returning to the trees, more careful than ever to keep my balance, especially during turns. Out of everything here, using my ODM gear was the hardest to figure out. I kept up in my studies and was fairly decent at hand-to-hand combat - which will definitely come in handy against man-eating giants, am I right? - but when it came to this, I was at the bottom of the class, and I knew it.

If I don't master this soon, there's no way they'll keep me here. I'm just slowing everyone else down. It wouldn't make sense to keep a cadet in military if she couldn't even figure out her gear.

I looked straight ahead, keeping my focus on what was before me. If I got too worked up, I'd end up back on the ground, and I wasn't so sure that Shadis would forgive me this time.

If I wasn't so stubborn, I might've considered asking someone to help teach me after training was finished, but I was stubborn, and I considered that option for only a brief second before pushing the thought out of my mind. Even though Marco and Armin had both offered to help me at different points during training, I always refused their help.

If I couldn't do it by myself, then I would never be able to become a true soldier, so there wasn't a point of staying here. So if I wanted to stay, I'd need to keep practicing by myself until I caught up with the class.

~ ~ ~

(Jean's POV)

She was beautiful. She was smart. And on top of that, she never wavered from her point of view. Her strong willed nature and focused attention intrigued me. Whenever I saw her, she took my breath away,  and I didn't even know her name.

I bet it's something pretty, yet powerful-sounding at the same time. She probably has a name that makes you think 'Queen' or 'Empress' when you hear it.

The way I was staring off into space must've earned me some unwanted stares, since Marco elbowed me discreetly under the table we were sitting at. I coughed, and took another bite of potato, ignoring the brunette that was eyeing it hungrily, like a titan eyeing it's prey.

"So Jean," Marco piped up after a few minutes of silence. "How did your training go today? I saw you did really well during vertical maneuvering practice. I think you're the best in the class."

I shrugged it off as if it didn't matter to me, but the smirk on my face clearly told everyone in the room that that was not the case.

"Well, I guess it just comes naturally to me," I bragged, and Marco let out a gasp.

"Hey, you should help tutor (Y/n), since you're so good at it! She's really been struggling. If you want, I could go talk to her, and then you could-"

"No thanks, I don't help the slackers," I said rudely, interrupting him. "If you can't figure it out by yourself, then you don't have a right to be here. Isn't that right, Marco?" I grinned, shooting a sly glance at my crush - no, that's not a strong enough word to explain my feelings towards her - to see if she was looking at me with her beautiful (e/c) eyes, admiring me for being so cool. Instead, I found that she was giving me a withering stare, as if I had just insulted her.

"Hey, that wasn't very nice!" Marco protested, but I barely heard him. All I could think was, What did I do to deserve her anger?

She wasn't the kind to pity those falling behind, so surely she wasn't upset about that. She also wasn't a slacker. So why was she glaring at me?

"Excuse me," she said, turning away from me. "I think I'm going to head in for the night." She stood up, and walked away, dodging Eren on her way out. I felt my fists clench, shooting daggers at the scrawny jerk that had nearly crashed into my girl, but held myself back.

"Jean, are you okay? You look like you're about to kill someone."

"I'm just fine, Macro, stop treating me like I'm your little brother." Gosh, now I'm starting to sound like Eren when he argues with Mikasa.

The reason I lashed out wasn't because of Marco himself, or the fact that he was concerned about me, but because of what he said. Because, if I was being honest, the thought briefly crossed my mind when I saw Eren so close to her. There was this unbearably strong emotion building inside of me, and I didn't want to know what would happen if I let it spill over.

That only took me two months to write, lol. Since my writing has improved so much over these past months, my older books seem to be so awful in comparison to this. I'm planning on editing the AOT Yandere books, and maybe my AOT One-Shot book...but I'm pretty sure that's not salvageable.


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