5: Don't Fear Me

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(Jean's POV)

I never wanted to see that look on her face ever again. She looked horrified, her eyes so wide you could see the whites all around her (e/c) irises. The way she looked at me now, her face twisted up in disgust and terror, it made my heart ache.

She didn't understand.

"(Y/n)," I said softly, stepping over the corpse laying on the forest floor. "Don't give me that look. There's no need to be afraid."

"You did it, didn't you?" She said, her voice bitter, yet shaky. "You're the one that killed Marco."

I felt myself smile, a sick sort of glee filling me. I never thought that something as horrible as murder could make me feel so giddy on the inside. "Yes, of course I did. He's the one that started everything. If it wasn't for him, we'd be a couple by now. He's the one that ruined it. If he hadn't upset you, he'd still be alive, but since he did...I had to take him out. No one gets to hurt your feelings and live."

"You're the one that did, though," she said weakly. "You're the one that upset me, not him. Weren't you two best friends?"

"You're more important than my friends," I said, slightly offended that she couldn't see that. Hadn't I already proved that? Maybe she was confused. Stumbling over a dead body must be a bit startling, so she was probably just confused because of that. That's why I didn't want her to see, I wanted to protect her from witnessing stuff like this.

"Are you going to kill me, too?" She asked boldly, her stubborn tone surprising me. Even though she thought her life was in danger, she was still as brave as always.

I smiled fondly, kneeling in front of her. "You're so strong, even when you're afraid. That's one of the things I love about you." I gently took her hand in mine, and kissed her knuckles as sweetly as I could. "I'd never harm such a beautiful creature. My only goal in life is to keep you safe. That's why I did this. And I'll kill anyone else that hurts you." I smiled, but she didn't smile back. She still looked scared.

I played with a section of her (h/c) hair, trying to memorize her face, before we were forced to part. I knew I couldn't stay here forever. We were still in the middle of training. But before I let her go, there was something I needed to do.

"(Y/n)...I love you. I want you to know that," I said softly, and pressed my lips against hers. I kissed her softly, trying to be as gentle and tender as I could. I wanted her to understand the depth of my love.

When I pulled back, I saw that she was shaking, her eyes filled with confusion.

"You get those for being good," I told her, tapping the tip of her nose affectionately. "If you keep this to yourself, I'll give you another one. Understand? If you don't, I'll need to remind you that you're mine, and that you need to obey me. And you wouldn't want that, now would you?" I said, my voice growing cold.

I wanted to make sure she knew I was serious.

She nodded quickly, her face growing pale. Her legs shook as she stood up, but when I went to steady her she slapped my hand away. "I can walk back by myself," she said stiffly. I frowned as I watched her back away from me. The distrust on her face physically hurt, stung like a knife in my chest.

"You won't tell anyone, will you?" I asked, feeling the need to warn her again. "Because I won't go down without you. If I'm taken away, I'll make sure you are, too. I can't be separated from you." I smiled at her, reaching out my hand, but she didn't take it. "I'll die without you, (Y/n)," I whispered softly, pouring all of the love I felt for her into my words. She looked taken aback for a split second, her eyes flashing with uncertainty, before her expression returned to its previous disgusted look.

"I'm going to head back," she said, and turned away. I noticed her shoulders were trembling. She was shaking so badly she couldn't get her gear to work at first, and I watched with concern, hoping the shaking wasn't from fear. I didn't want her to be scared of me.

"Do you need help, (Y/n)?" I asked gently, taking a step towards her.

She looked over her shoulder, terror filling her eyes. "No, get away from me! And don't say my name." Her stubbornness returned, evident in the way she squared her shoulders and how her lips pressed together in a tight line. "I hate hearing it come from your mouth."

There was a click and a woosh, and then she was gone, disappearing among the treetops. I scowled to myself, a strange tightening sensation creeping up my throat. I knew I was about to cry. The only reason I allowed myself to was because I knew no one else was around to see. I never would've cried around other people, my ego wouldn't let me.

But now, listening to the sound of her ODM gear retreat through the trees, I let go of all my pride, and let out a loud sob.

Her words cut deep, deeper than I'd like to admit. I was madly in love with her. I was smitten. Her opinion mattered to me more than anything. Did she really hate it when I said her name? She was completely disgusted with me. Would I ever be able to win her love back?

'Back'? Did I ever have it to begin with?

No, no I did not.

I wiped my eyes, a strangle half-sob, half-hiccup forcing itself out of my mouth. When had I grown so pathetic? Here I was, standing in the middle of the woods, tears streaming down my face. The only person I could to turn to was dead, so I had no support. I was alone. The one I loved hated me.

"No...I won't let this story have an unhappy ending," I growled out loud, my fists clenching up, so my nails dug into the skin of my palms. "I'll force you to love me if I have to, (Y/n)."

I'm currently at a hotel with my family (we're on our way home, yay!) so I don't have a ton of time to comb through this chapter and fix all the typos I most likely made, but I did managed to get an update out, so I'm pretty pleased with myself. (I was finally inspired to write, lol.)

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