6: Another Kiss

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I know I haven't been updating this (the last update was in November, like what the heck), and I'm sorry for those that have been waiting for this chapter. I really need to work on staying consistent.

(Your POV)

I tossed in my bed, images from earlier today playing in my head, over and over again, making my throat constrict until I was choking on my own breath. Each memory had been burned into my mind: Macro's blank expression, staring off into the sky; the sickening gray tint in his skin; the blood that stained his skin. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop thinking about it.

It still doesn't feel real. How can he be dead? And how could Jean have killed him?

Was it really because of me?

That's...that's insane.

I buried my face in my pillow, which muffled my frustrated shout.

Nothing made sense anymore. I felt like everything I knew as fact was now a lie. How was I supposed to continue on with my training, knowing one of my fellow cadets was a killer? Trust was highly important in this line of work, and I no longer trusted anyone.

Any number of them could be just like Jean.

I had to tell someone what had happened, even though I swore not too. Who in their right mind would keep this a secret? Jean had to be punished for what he did.

But he'll hurt me...he said I couldn't tell anyone.

I knew that I should report him, despite what he said, but who would believe me? I doubted Jean would leave evidence laying around for someone to find. It was likely that Marco's corpse had already been moved. I had no proof that Jean had killed him, either. Surely someone would question the fact that he disappeared, right? Eventually, they'll start to get suspicious, and then I can explain what I saw. They'd listen to me then.

You'll get caught soon enough, Jean. You may be stronger than me, but I'm more clever. You didn't even think this through, did you? If someone vanishes, everyone else gets curious, and after a while, people find out the truth. You end up behind bars for the rest of your life!

That helped to put my mind at ease, and yet I still couldn't sleep. Now, something else was bothering me.

It was bad enough that Jean killed someone, but when we spoke, he didn't seem dangerous. In fact, he spoke to me gently, with such a tender look in his eyes. It was as if he loved me, like he had said. In the moment, I couldn't process what he was saying. It was hard to think about anything, really, besides Marco's corpse, but now that I had time to think everything over, Jean's words seemed to haunt me.

"You get those for being good...if you keep this to yourself, I'll give you another one...."

Warmth seemed to spread through me when I pictured his adoring expression, how genuine his smile had been.

I'm exhausted, that's the only explanation for why I'm thinking about this! He's sick! I'll find a way to escape this twisted game he's set up. I won't let him manipulate me into covering for him.

~   ~   ~

(Jean's POV)

I had to win her back, I had to make her love me.

I watched her from afar during breakfast, wanting to go over to her but knowing that I'd end up getting pushed away if I tried. She was not only scared of me now, but she seemed to hate me. Knowing that the love of my life hated me hurt me to the core.

After she finished eating, she left, not even sparing me a second glance, but I knew I had to be on her mind. I was, right? She was all I could think of, and surely she felt the same about me, even it was only subconsciously for now.  She must be in torment right now, the same way I was when I wasn't in her presence.

How you feel for her is sick, a voice inside my head hissed at me, catching me off guard. No, it was love. Why did a part of me doubt that? Ever since I laid eyes on (Y/n), I knew she was special. I needed her. I had no issue with doing whatever necessary to keep her, even if that meant killing those that came between us. That was the epitome of love, wasn't it? Doing anything for the one you loved was only natural.

I followed (Y/n) outside, keeping far enough behind her so she wouldn't notice me. Though even as I resolved to staying out of sight, an animalistic longing took over me, and I found myself getting closer to her, so I could be near her.

She turned the corner, making her way back to the women's dorm, but before she could step into the open, I pinned her to the wall, letting my sinful desire take control.

The look that filled her (e/c) eyes made something inside of me stir, and a breathy growl escaped from deep within my throat. "You've kept your mouth shut, haven't you?" I rasped, my body trembling with uncontrollable excitement. "I knew you would. You're so obedient, (Y/n)." I inhaled her sweet scent, my vision growing hazy. She was intoxicating. "I told you that I'd reward you, remember?"

She was trembling as well, terror clear on her face, but she answered me with a surprisingly strong voice. "Yes, I remember."

"Have you been thinking about it?" I asked, my head cocking to the side. A faint blush had dusted her cheek when she spoke. Did she want me to kiss her? I felt hope swell up inside of me, so overwhelming it took my breath away.

Her blush darkened, making her look even more cute than normal. She was so strong willed, which I loved about her, but seeing her helpless like this was equally endearing. "Of course I haven't been," she said, but her voice wavered.

I slammed my lips against hers, forcefully kissing her once again. This time, I wasn't gentle. I kissed her with all the passion I could muster, my mind overcome by lust. It was only when she let out a sob that I back away, breathless and aroused.

"Why does it have to be me?" She asked weakly, tears welling up in her eyes. "I thought...I thought I told you to stay away from me." She pushed me away at arms length, her expression hardening. "Leave me alone, Jean. You don't need to bribe me with kisses, I won't tell anyone about what you did. Isn't my word enough?"

My heart ached painfully at her rejection. "(Y/n)..."

"Don't say my name," she snapped, and what was left of my joy dwindled into despair. A second ago I was on top of the world...why did she have this power over me?

I knew I was acting like a desperate, lovesick dog, but I couldn't let her just walk away.

"Please," I begged, grabbing her arm. "I love you. I need to be near you. It hurts me whenever you're gone. Don't leave me, I promise I won't touch you again." I frantically tried to think up something sweet and beautiful, something that would make her love me, but I couldn't. All I had was the same overused phrase, over and over again. "I love you."

She hesitated, though I had a feeling it was because I was bigger than her and not because she was actually swayed by my pathetic pleas.

No, I wouldn't use my size to intimidate her.

I stepped back, relaxing my grip. "I really do love you," I muttered, closing my eyes so I wouldn't need to watch her go. Her footsteps retreated, and once again I felt like crying.

What would it take to make her love me?

This is a mess, I know. I haven't edited it at all, except for a bit in the beginning. Things are finally getting interesting, I think. In the first few chapters, Jean didn't feel yandere-like at all. I wasn't really feeling it when I wrote them, so they're pretty bad. Once I finish this book, I'll go back and change a few things to make him feel a bit more insane right away so the story makes more sense, since right now it's like he randomly snapped for no reason and without any warning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2019 ⏰

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