2: Breakfast Realization

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Alright, chapter two. Let's do this.

(Your POV)

Stupid, rude, obnoxious, stuck-up piece of...trash!

I let out a frustrated growl, slammed my cup down onto the table, causing heads to turn as the cadets around me curiously searched for the owner of the noise. I didn't care. I was - for lack of a better, more polite, ladylike word - pissed.

How dare he insult me in front of everybody here? I'm definitely no slacker, even though I'm behind! I work my tail off every day just to barely keep up, and then he needs to talk about me in front of the entire table, acting as if I'm some kind of helpless weakling that he's too high-and-mighty to help! Jokes on him, I don't want his help! He can just go and take that stick he's shoved up-

"Morning (Y/n), how did you sleep?" Nac asked as he said down next to me, oblivious to my burning anger. He handed me a cup of coffee, and I thanked him silently with a half-smile. Nac Tias was one of my good friends - not like I had many here, I was too busy trying to keep up with training to make friends - and he usually ate with me, so I wasn't surprised when came up to me.

"Fine, I guess." I didn't want to spread my bad mood around, so I forced myself to take a sip of coffee, acting like nothing was wrong. "How about you? Ready to go out and train?"

"Eh, not really. Not like I have a choice, though."

I nodded in agreement, just as horse-face himself walked in. I shot him another glare, and he looked at me with wide, unsure eyes, his lips turned downwards in the beginning of a frown. His confusion was almost real enough to look believable.

Ugh, he is driving me crazy! He's acting all innocent, and if he's completely clueless to how badly he embarrassed me last night! And to think that I ever found him cute!

If I could, I'd punch that clueless look off his stupid long face.

Of course, there were other people in the room, and though I might be somewhat sarcastic on the inside, I wasn't a violent person in reality, so I wouldn't actually hit him. But you...a woman can dream.

He sat down with Marco at the other end of the table, and I instantly tensed up. Nac caught on immediately when my grip on my fork tightened so much my knuckles were white.

"Hey...you okay?" He asked, and I sighed.

"Just peachy."

"Uh...alright, got it," he said, knowing what I meant. 'Don't ask, I'm not in the mood to talk about it.'

"Hey Jean, did you see the schedule for today?" Marco asked, just as cheerful as ever, even though it was just barely at the crack of dawn and everyone else looked like zombies, half asleep with blank expressions. But there was nothing 'half' about Marco, he was already fully awake, smiling and laughing to the point where it was almost annoying...without the almost. It was just plain annoying.

I wasn't a morning person.

"Yep," Jean said, and glanced over at me as if he was checking to see if I was still upset with him.

I was.

He winced at the cold look on my face, but Marco didn't seem notice.

"You know, I still don't understand why you won't help that girl. She's struggling, after all, and you're the best. It only makes sense. Why don't you at least think about it?"

Why is he bringing this up, exactly?! Does he want me to kill Jean?

"Look, I already said no. Stop bugging me about it!"

"B-But didn't you say...you thought she was cute?" He asked in a hushed tone...one that everyone could hear, since he was still being kind of loud.

Jean blinked. "Huh?"

"You said you liked her, remember? The girl with the (h/c) hair, the one that's always training extra hard after hours? You talk about her all the time."

"Wait..." he said slowly, and I watched with narrow eyes. What were they trying to pull? They did know I was right here, right? "You mean...her name is (Y/n)? She's the girl that you wanted me to train?" Jean asked, and Marco blinked slowly before nodding. Jean groaned, burying his face in his hands. "So that's why she's been glaring at me, I totally insulted her in front of everybody!"

"You don't say," I muttered, and stood up. "Hey Nac, I'm going to go shower. Pick up my stuff for me, would you?" I asked over my shoulder.

"Sure thing!" He called after me, and for a moment I felt bad for bossing him around. I'll make it up to you later, I promise, I thought as I ran down the hall, pushing back some of the late risers as I made my way from the dining hall. I needed to get out of there. I didn't know what to make of this situation.

Was I blowing it out of proportion? Yes. Why? Because I liked Jean, then he insulted me, and suddenly he likes me back, and I've never been in a position like this before. Did he honestly like me, if he called me lazy before he knew who I was?

Obviously. He's not really into you, since he insulted you before he knew it was you, he must just think you're hot.There's no need to get involved in a relationship, anyway. What will that do to help you improve, besides distract you from practice? It's just plain silly. Get a grip on your emotions, (Y/n).

I stepped into the shower room, out of breath.

Well...glad I figured that out fast.

I know, this is super boring and there is literally nothing yandere-y in it, but it's a filler, and it does set up for the the story, promise. I actually have a plan for this one, unlike with the last three, where I just winged it.

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