3: Only Friend

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(Jean's POV)


I had messed up.

But surely this wouldn't ruin anything between us, right? I mean, it was just a silly comment, nothing worth getting worked up over. However, I knew that (Y/n) held onto things for a long time, and that wasn't good for my case.

Dang it...why do you need to be so stubborn?

I ran my fingers through my hair, hissing in frustration between my teeth. I had liked her for so long. There was no way I had messed everything up. No, I wouldn't believe it. I didn't mess anything up, this was just...an alternative way of winning over her affection. Instead of confessing like I planned, I could just force her to love me. Things would work out just fine, as long as I was convincing enough.

I snarled, my blood boiling. First thing first...eliminate the person that messed everything up in the first place. It wasn't my fault, it was his. He made me hurt her feelings. I don't care that he didn't mean too, I needed to pass the blame off to someone else, and I only had one option. He was one of my only friends, but I didn't care.

I didn't need friends.

No one mattered, as long as she was mine.

He was in the way.

~   ~   ~

(Your POV)

I came back to the dorms exhausted, my hair a mess and my  clothes stained with dirt. Everyone else had already had dinner, but I had been so wrapped up in my training that I had missed it. Hopefully Nac had smuggled me food, since I was famished. 

The showers were mostly empty by the time I got there, so I didn't have to wait long until I was able to wash myself, which I was extremely grateful for, since I hated being covered in grime like this. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of the warm water running over my skin. It was so easy to forget everything that was going on when I was in here.

The day had been a rough one, but luckily I hadn't run into Jean once. It was almost like he was avoiding me, the same way I was avoiding him.

Thank goodness. I don't want to deal with that right now.

Just then the water got cold, reminding me that I had to get out eventually. I finished rinsing out my hair as quickly as I could, and then dried myself off, taking my time since there was no one else in the shower room by this point, so I wasn't pressured to get dressed right away.

I can't just ignore him forever, can I? Soon enough I'll be forced to work with him. Can I honestly act normal around him after his stupid face has been circling my mind for so long? Maybe I should ask Marco for advice on how to deal with this. He's a nice guy, and he knows Jean better than anyone else here.

I yawned after pulling my pajama shirt on, suddenly feeling drained. I picked up my stuff and started the walk back to the girls' dorms.

I could always talk to him tomorrow. It was almost curfew anyway, and I didn't want to get in trouble for sneaking into the boys' dorm on top of my already poor reputation with Shadis. I'd be kicked out for sure, and I couldn't let that happen.

It just wasn't worth the risk.

On my way back, I ran into Nac, who had - just as I had predicted - snuck some food for me out of the dinning hall. It wasn't much, but I was thankful for the small loaf of bread.

"Sorry I couldn't get more," he apologized sheepishly, sitting down next to me. "I know you must be really hungry."

I smiled - a full, genuine smile this time - and waved my hand dismissively. "It's totally fine. You don't need to feel sorry, this is more than enough to sustain me for the night." I broke off a small chunk and handed it to him. "Here, have some. You've been losing weight recently."

He smiled, his cheeks dusted with pink, barely noticeable in the faint light of dusk. "You really are a good friend, (Y/n). I don't get why no one else hangs out with you."

I laughed, rolling my eyes. "I have a few guesses as to why."

He grinned, elbowing her playfully. "Don't be like that, you aren't that sarcastic about everything."

I could help but laugh as well, momentarily forgetting about Jean and about how sore my limbs were. "See, you knew exactly what I was thinking about, and that only proves my point. I'm too honest to make friends. I point out their flaws, and they take it as rude."

"You aren't too rude to me," he said.

"Well yeah, because you don't have that many flaws, so I don't have much to point out about you. Plus you're way too nice, and every mean thing I say you just kind of brush off. Which is good, you don't take anything I say too seriously. That's why we're friends. You don't care what I say about you, since you know I don't really mean it," I explained. 

He nodded, silently agreeing with me.

I went silent as well. I was nice to just...sit. I had been pushing myself so hard, and I really allowed myself to rest, since I didn't want to fall behind, but this was nice, just sitting and chatting with Nac.

"We should get to bed, it's past our curfew," Nac said, ruining the moment. I sighed, but agreed with him. We parted ways, and I was left alone to trudge back to my dorm room. 

Once I was curled up in bed, sleep overtook me easily.

Ugh this chapter is so boring. Sorry guys. Next chapter should be better!


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