4: Suspicion

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^^Yeah, that pic totally fits this chapter. 

Lol, no it doesn't. 

Gore warning ahead.

(Your POV)

"Alright, move out!" Shadis shouted, and the entire squad responded in unison.

"Yes Sir!"

The point of this exercise was to work on our independent skills, so we were all splitting up and searching for what Shadis called a 'flag.' Since there were more cadets than flags, not everyone could pass, and that would result in extra training, or a boot, depending on how badly they preformed. The idea was to be swift on our gear and to be alert. As the exercise went on, and more flags were found, the harder it would get, so it really pushed the whole speed part of our training. That wasn't one of my skills.

I was still awkward and stiff in the air, frequently needing to stop and catch my breath. Many people passed me, even though I was one of the first ones to leave.

Currently, I was on the outskirts of the forest, searching for anything out of place. So far, I had seen nothing that resembled a flag.

This sucks. I'm going to fail at this rate!

I located a wide tree branch, which looked sturdy enough to hold me. I clumsily landed, my arms flailing as I fought to steady myself. The branch held, though it dipped a bit to far for comfort. I subconsciously gripped the handles of my gear a bit tighter.

"Alright, I need to get my bearings," I said out loud, trying to keep myself focused. I scanned the forest floor below, my gaze passing over a scrap of brown fabric, hanging from a bush. It was so subtle that I almost missed it, but when I saw it, I instantly perked up, thinking I had found a flag. When I landed, I realized that I was wrong. Dead wrong.

It was a part of a cadet jacket, and it was stained a deep, brick red color. Blood.

My eyes widened. Had someone been injured during practice? It looked like a part of a sleeve. Maybe someone had got their hand caught?

I looked around for more clues as to what had happened, pushing the thought of training out of my mind. Helping a wounded cadet was more important. Even though I didn't get along with most of the people here, I still viewed them as fellow soldiers, and I couldn't leave a fellow solider injured and alone.

As I looked around, I noticed a path of broken underbrush and kicked up dirt. I hesitated. Had someone been dragged through here?

Maybe...this was a part of the exercise? No, I doubted it. If it was, surely they'd have done this closer towards the center of the forest, where more cadets would be. It didn't make sense to have a fake attack scene all the way out here, it was likely that no one would've noticed it. Heck, I almost missed it myself, and I'm pretty observant.

"But who would attack another cadet? And then drag them away? Did the victim pass out over something? It looks like they were struggling." I frowned, starting the trail of debris and torn bushes. They couldn't be too far from here, right? I looked at the scarp of bloodstained fabric in my hand, my brows furrowing when I noticed that it had begun to dry, and was no closer to brown than red. The struggle must've happened at least a couple of hours ago.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing out here?"

I looked up, seeing Jean sitting in the tree above me. He held a canaster in his hand, though that's not what stuck out to me, it was how horrible he looked. His eyes were almost hollow looking, and his under eyes were dark from a lack of sleep. His hair was a mess, and his clothes stained. The collar of his shirt had been torn down to just below his pectorals, as if someone had attempted to pull themselves off the ground using his shirt.

"I'm trying to find a flag. What about you? Were you mauled by a bear?"

He let out a dry laugh, though there was no mirth in it. "No, it wasn't a bear." He sighed, rubbing his face with his free hand.

"Then what happened to you? You looked like a zombie. Is this what you're like before you have your coffee?" I teased, though worry was creeping through my veins, making my skin feel cold. Something didn't feel right about this. His disheveled appearance mixed with the bloody cloth I had found earlier...and how tense he was, and the funny smell that was in the air....

I shuffled my feet, unease seeping into my thoughts. My instincts were screaming to flee, and I was tempted to listen. This was wrong. Jean was a danger to me right now, I could sense it. My heart was starting to beat erratically, and my breathing was uneven. Could he tell how scared I was? Did he know that I was suspicious of him?

To my surprise, he smiled, his expression softening. "You've always had a good sense of humor, (Y/n)." He let out a dreamy sigh, resting his hand on his chin.

I blinked. "Are you sure you're okay? You have gotten into any coderion, have you?" 

"I don't even know what that is," he said, but he seemed to snap out of his haze. "Whatever. You should go. I have some stuff to do."

I knew I should go without asking questions, but I had one that I wanted to ask. Just one. Surely he wouldn't get upset over one tiny question, right?

"Why do you want me to leave?" I asked, and he smirked.

"That's not a smart question, (Y/n). Don't meddle in things you shouldn't know about, you could get hurt. It's best to play it safe, don't you think? Here, take this." He tossed me a square of dark green fabric. "It's a flag. Don't tell anyone about this, okay? Playing with knives will end with you getting cut, and I don't want to see you bleed. Remember that, I won't say it again. Now leave." He glared at me, and I turned and ran, my mind going blank with fear.

So I was right. He was the attacker, he had to be.

In that moment, he looked murderous. But no, Jean wouldn't hurt me. He was a coward at heart, wasn't he? There's no way he'd ever do something like that.

"Wait, not that-" he started, but it was already too late.

I was on the ground, my knees scraping against a rogue tree root. I winced, my palms starting to sting. I sat up, and looked behind me to see what I had tripped over.


No, no, no!

A bloodcurdling scream erupted from my throat, as I scrambled to escape the repulsive sight laying before me.

It was a body, with purpled skin and sunken eyes, staring up into the sky. Reddish brown splatters stained the corpses skin. The killer had apparently enjoyed doing this, since the kill had been messy. Very messy.

The victims stomach had been cut open, the entrails thrown around and cut up. It had been a sloppy, brutal murder.

I squeezed my eyes shut, but the image had already been burned into the back of my eyelids, his lifeless smile leaving a scar in my memory forever.

I'm so mad at myself, guys. I don't know if you know who it is yet, not sure how obvious I made it. If you know, please don't spoil it. But ouch, I didn't want to do that. Oh well, it had to be done.

Keep an eye out for updates. I'm planning on writing chapter 5 soon. (This is currently unedited, btw!)

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