Chapter 17

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Georgia's p.o.v~

I wake up and quietly and slowly get up out of my bunk, I look across at Alex's his not there. He must of gone home with that girl, which makes me jealous, but I cannot tell him that nor can I show him, so I get up and make pancakes for everyone, Alex's walks in when I realise I'm still wearing his shirt, well I can just take it off..  

"smells good" he smiles at me, I quickly smile at him then look away, i don't even want to look at him right now, I didn't think I was the jealous type, but I must be if knowing he'd slept with another girl makes me this upset. 

"how was last night?" I ask trying to sound interested, but I know I fail at that 

"I don't remember" he says. That just frustrates me more, I walk off to go offer others pancakes, they all take some and I walk back out to the little kitchen part of the bus and clean up all my mess, before going back to my bunk, I'm not in the mood to talk to Alex. Zack comes up 

"can I join?" he says before I move over, give him one of my headphones and put my book down, it's actually amazing that two people can fit in here and it's comfortable, Zack was just wearing his shorts, and since High school, Zack has gotten a lot more attractive. He starts to cuddle me and runs his fingers through my hair 

"are you upset that Alex slept with another girl?" he ask softly, I nod  

"I don't know my I'm so upset, but I am" then Zack kisses my cheek 

"if I was Alex, I wouldn't of done it, I mean to have someone as amazing as you liking me, even if he doesn't know, he likes you so this would just ruin his chances" he says, wait Alex likes me, that news makes me feel even more upset but happy at the same time "oh shit, you're not meant to know!" he quickly adds, I start to cuddle him back 

"Zack, you are such an amazing bestfriend" I say hugging him tighter  

"are you okay my love?" Stacey says poking her head up with Rian, I jug nod at them  

"just need a quiet day I think" I say almost closing my eyes 

"Zack will take care you you today" Rian smiles 

"so will jack" says says putting his hand up before moving my hair behind him ear "my poor little munchkin" he says I just smile "I'm fine, just tired after last night" I say 

"it's okay to be upset munchkin" he says pulling the sadest face he couple, I smile at him and sit up a bit with Zack so jack can sit at the end of the bunk, Alex walks in and lays on his bunk  

"Alex tried?" jack says pulling another sad face 

"Alex pissed off at him self" Alex replies before pulling the blankets over his head  

"he knows his done something wrong" jack whispers, Zack laughs and pulls me closer, he makes me feel good about myself and not as upset at Alex, jack pulls weird faces at us before leaving the bunks, on his was you he slaps Alex's ass "I'd tap that" he adds and winks before walking out, me and Zack are laughing so much I'm almost in tears! His so funny! I love jack so much, Zack gets up to go do something and I may there on my iPod and reading  

"I'm sorry" Alex says looking at me from 

His bunk 

"for what?" I laugh "for having a good time?" I add trying Not to sound like a bitch, he Gets out of his bunk and comes to mine. 

"no, I'm sorry for sleeping with another girl" he say putting his hand on my cheek before leaning closer and closer, then his lips meet mine, I'm 

In shock but can't move away because I've wanted this for ages, I deepen the kiss and let his tongue dance with mine, then I realise what's happening and pull out of the kiss.. 

"I've gotta, Uhh, I've gotta go find Stacey and ask her about tonight" I say getting out of bed, pretty sure I flashed him my underwear, I'm such an idiot, and I rush out to Stacey, she's with jack 

"fuck!" I say getting there attention 

"what happened!" they say at the same time then high fiving, I told then what happened,  

"YES! This is good munchkin! You can be with him!" jack says hugging me  

"jack! It's not that easy! I can't just be with him, I'm meant to be upset at him! Plus he wouldn't of kissed me if he didn't know that I liked him" I say looking at jack 

"it slipped out, yesterday, munchkin, he likes you too, a lot! Just be with ~" 

Before jack finishes  

"I KNEW YOU TOLD HIM! Did you think maybe I don't want a relationship" I say 

"gee, you've liked him since high school.." Stacey says giving me a look that said 'come on, you want him' I rolled my eyes 

"still!" I say before walking over to Zack

Alex's p.o.v~

Once jack and Zack leave Georgia's bunk I go over tell her I'm sorry, then I kisses her, she didn't pull away straight say so I kept going, then she deepened the kiss and let my tounge dance with hers, we get really into the kiss, there is so much more then friendship here, she puts her hands around my neck, then she must of realised what she was doing cause she pulled away, she gets out of bed, My shirts really short so I got to see her underwear for a split second, then she walks out, I go to talk to Zack 

"hey man" he says and I sit down 

"I'm an idiot" I say, Zack looks at me as to say go on.. 

"i kissed Georgia, she now knows I like her, and I just want to hold her and call her mine!" I say sighing, I put my head on the table, Zack coughs loudly and I jump up and Georgia's sitting next to Zack, she just gets up and leaves, fuck fuck fuck  

"tonight at the club, you are going to make it amazing, you are going to tell her to her face, you are in love with her and you will ask her out" Zack says, for someone with a crush on her, he helps a lot  

"at the club?" I ask, the club, that's not romantic, she won't say yes! 

"yeah take her outside, there's a flower stand up up the street get some flowers and tell her!" he says, ah now I get it.. I nod and Rian comes and sits next to me 

"what's going on?" he says but before we could explain Stacey and hack sat at the table and asked the same thing so me and Zack explained it, as we finish explain Georgia comes to sit with us.. She's out her hair in a side plat and some shorts on and her blink shirt, we all talk and get excited about tonight, we all go to bed for rest before the show..


Thanks for reading, comment and vote, it'd mean a lot of you could share the story around, thanks a heap you're all amazing (: xxx Gee

please, don't go (all time low)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora