Chapter 22.

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Alex's p.o.v ~

Why am I nervous for dinner, maybe Luke will treat me different to when me and Georgia were just friends, what if he doesn't like the thought of me and Georgia and listens to him and she breaks up with me.. Oh My gosh I've got to stop over thinking it, I knock on her door  

"Alex" she smiles giving me a hug and a kiss, before taking my hand and leading me in 

"what are we making for dinner?" I grab her waist and kiss her  

"I've started to make home made pizza I know we had it last night but like wanted it" she says pulling her hand on my cheek and kisses me  

"flour face" she winks and me walking into the kitchen  

"you're so cheeky!" I say going after her and picking her up by the waist and spinning her around, she laughs and we stand in the kitchen I out her down and she puts her hands in the flour and then puts her hands on my shirt, I just look at her looking like I'm going to kiss her then out my hands in flour and put it on her cheeks, she just looks shocked before starting to laugh she moves close to me and wraps her arms around my neck, leaning in close  

"what will I do with you" she giggles biting her lip 

"the question is what will I do with you!" I says picking her up like they do in wedding movies kissing her, we see a flash and straight away we look out the window for some reason then we see Luke  

"aren't you guys cute?" he says showing my the picture Georgia giggles  

"I'm so lucky" I whisper and then me and Georgia continue making dinner, once it's in the oven we sit down and talk to Luke about all this London stuff  

"oh yeah, I now have a girlfriend" he says smiling  

Luke hadn't had a girlfriend since his father passed away, he had lots of girls liking him but he just stayed single, he respects girls, his a true gentlemen, and all the girls find his blue green eyes, waves blonde surfy hair and tan attractive 

"I wanna see I wanna see" says Georgia, Luke goes through his camera and shows us a picture of them both at some place in London she's got her arms around him and his got his arms around her, he presses next and it's a picture of them kissing, she had long hair, it was an aqua colour, and it suited her, she had big hazel eyes and a nice smile  

"oh my god she's stunning! And I love her hair!" Georgia says all excited  

"yeah man, she's a cutie" I say winking at Georgia, then I kiss Georgia  

"yeah she's amazing, but I wanna hear about you guys" he says then Georgia gets up to get the pizzas out of the oven  

"so you really like my sister huh?" he says smiling  

"yeah, well of course, she's stunning and just makes me speechless" I say watching Georgia  

"just please don't hurt her, she doesn't need anymore pain" Luke says with his hand on my shoulder  

"I wouldn't think of it" I say as Georgia comes back with pizzas 

"wouldn't think of what?" she says leaning down to kiss me  

"wouldn't think of stealing my sister away" Luke smiles and winks, Georgia just laughs, then Georgia tells like how I asked her out and our first date  

"oh Luke it was perfect" she smiles  

"that's great I'm glad you are so happy together" Luke smiles we all quieten down  

"well I might go to bed, night guys" luke says getting up and going to his room, I look at Georgia and start to kiss her passionately before laying her down  

"Alex not now" she giggles, we sit up and she kisses me again before I could say anything then we take a much needed breath before kissing again, we then watch tv and I play with Georgia's hair, I look down and she's asleep, I pick her up and lay her down in her bed, and I lay next to her with her warm body in my arms, I kiss her forehead and slowly drift off to sleep.


Sorry for the small chapter, big things coming! Share the story around the more reads and votes the more chapters get uploaded (: thank you and have a wonderful day xxx

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