Chapter 11. Few years later

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Georgia's p.o.v~

< few years later >

Pulling up to the house in boltimore, this place made me happy, and i haven't been happy since I left

"hey Rian, finally home, hope you didn't ruin the surprise, should I come straight over? ~Georgia" I text Rian, really jet lagged but could wait another second to see everyone, I hadn't changed much at all, maybe I've grown a little but my hair was the same, a little longer although I'd had it cut, I wondered if they'd changed, well their band has, they are pretty big now, which is awesome!

"Gee! Only if you're not to jet lagged otherwise, COME! ~Ri" I smile and drop my bags at the front door, and ran, wearing my new vans, they are Blue this time, I had my hair out, and a Bennie like Alex's on, I had ripped skinny jeans on my blink-182 shirt and Alex's jumper on, once I got to Alex's, I felt really sick, butterflies rushing around my stomach, may I say, I tried getting over Alex, but when all your friends are obsessed with his band it's hard.. I get to the door, take in a deep breathe and press the door bell, shaking, and feeling sicker by the seconds, Alex answers

"hel-" then he finally looked up... It took him a few minutes, he rubbed the back of his neck.. "Georgia?" he said..

"don't I get a hug..?" I ask, the he grabs me a pulls me into a massive hug!

"come in come in! What are you doing here? It's been like 2 years! How are you? Are you only here for a holiday?" he asks

"wow Alex calm Dow-" before I could finish he puts his arm around her, Ashley, what's she doing back in his life, okay, yes me and Alex didn't talk as much as I liked, but, Ashley! "uh.. Calm down.." I say again "mum moved back, I'll be living with her till I get a job, Luke move out to London, and Charlie, well his Charlie but.. 8 haha" I laugh "how about you, what's new?" I add hoping he wouldn't say,

"I got back with Ashley" he says, I jinx myself that's not what I wanted to hear

"GEORGIA?" I turn and jack jumps on me giving me the biggest hug and sloppiest kiss on the cheek "I MISSSSSSEEEDDD YOUUUUU" he yells "OH MY GOD I COULD HUG YOU ALL DAY! ALEX SHE'S BACK! SHES BACK" he yells again

"I can see that" Alex says not seeming to excited, I look at Rian holding my arms out and he hugs me "why didn't you tell me about Ashley" I whisper

"I forgot, sorry" he says "Stacey will be here soon" he add, zack jumps up,

"okay, I didn't want a hug" he jokes ten I go and jump on his lap and give him the biggest hug I could! "good to have you back buddie" he whispers "good to be back" I whisper back, then I give Alisha a massive hug and take a spot on the floor, jack gives me a funny look

"do all Australia's just sit in the floor?" he jokes, man I missed him, I laugh

"no, but does there look like there's room on the couch" then jack points to his lap, and I jump up and sit in it "regret that idea? An I breaking you?"

He lets out a huge laugh

"you think you're heavy and your not, that's funny, you're funny Georgia, tell me more jokes?" I just kiss his cheek

"still wear my junker?" Alex says, I am about to reply when the door opens

"sorry I took so long, I tried to call Georgia, she must be asleep or something cause she wouldn't answer" Stacey says, everyone goes silent and she looks up and sees me

"GEORGIAAA" she is along in tears, shes hugging me so tight I could hardly breath! She starts talking really really fast I can't understand a word she says

"take a breath and start again?" I giggle

"what are you doing here? Is it for good? What are you doing, like career wise? Oh my gosh, I've missed you!" she hugs me again

"I'm here, mum moved back and she said I can live with her till I get on my feet, yes it's for good, well I've studied to be a youth worker, so I can help children with depression, and homeless people, but I haven't got the job yet, I did while I was in Australia, I've missed youtoo!" we start talking and Alex keeps looking at me

"well I'm getting a drink anyone want one?" I say most people say yes "I'll help" says Alex getting up I smile and we walk into the kitchen..

"what are you doing here?" he asks not making eye contact

"what do you mean?"

"you think you can just come back, and it'd just be like old times?" he snaps

"no I didn't.." I see his upset "I'm just going to go.." i says taking the drinks out and saying goodbye

Alex's p.o.v~

I answer the door and see Georgia, my first actual love, I tried getting over her by getting back with Ashley, mainly cause I thought its keep Georgia off my mind.. I was wrong she was always there, I did some stuff I regret while trying to forget her, so it kinda hurt to actually see her standing there, everyone talks to her all happy, I sit there trying not to look at her, Rian keeps giving me weird looks but I try to ignore them, Georgia goes to get drinks and I hell, butterflies in my stomach, but my head angry and confused..

"what are you doing here?" I say

"what do you mean?" she says confused

"you think you can just come back and everything would be like old time?" I snap, I don't mean to unjust have mixed emotions

"no I didn't.." her eyes water.. "I'll just go" before I could stop her she takes out the drinks and I hear the door close behind her, I rest my elbow in the bench and put my head in between them with my hands behind my head

"what the fuck Alex?" Jack says

"what?" I snap

"you loved her, now you hate her? It's not her fault she had to leave, so stop being so rude, or maybe your angry cause you're with Ashley again and she comes back, well whatever it is, we all want to see her, and we don't want you to ruin it, she made everyone so happy when she was here, and when she left, do we have to remind you what happened?" he says sounding pissed off "listen Alex, I'm sorry for sounding harsh, but we can't lose her again, she's to important to people, anyways she said to give this back cause she didn't need it anymore.. I love you man" he says patting my back then walking out I look up and it's the jumper I have her, I don't want it back, I pick it up and it smelt like her, tears come into my eyes when i realised I just scared her away..

Maybe jacks right, maybe the anger and confusion comes from the fact I'm with Ashley and still love Georgia, funny how I can tell from one glance at her.. I guess thats love..


Needing some feedback

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